Web Dev stories

Build a Vector Image Service Using ThreeJS and Vite

Image vectorization is the process of converting raster images into vector formats like SVG. This is useful for improving scalability without losing quality. In this article, we will explore how to build an image vectorization service using Three.js, a powerful JavaScript library for working with 3D graphics in the browser.

Creating First Game Prototype in a Browser: The Journey So Far

An inside look at the creative process, challenges, and tools behind building a 3D game prototype from scratch.

Mastering Web Animations Website Showcase

The course will guide you through principles of motion, timeline animation, and techniques used by award-winning developers.

How To Generate a GUID/UUID in JavaScript

A GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) or UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) is a 128-bit value used to uniquely identify objects. JavaScript provides multiple ways to generate UUIDs, with the recommended method being crypto.randomUUID().

The Future of Responsive Design

The most exciting thing about container queries, in my opinion, is that they expand what’s possible in terms of user interface design. They give us new options when it comes to responsive design, creating UIs that would be impractical or impossible using traditional media queries.

Harnessing Ancient HTML with Modern CSS for Better UI

There’s a list of content. You can edit individual items by tapping or clicking their row, or you can select adjacent checkboxes to perform bulk actions.

Optimizing The Critical Rendering Path

Understand the role of the critical rendering path in user experience, and how you can shorten this path to display the most important content early.

The importance of UX/UI in Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity platforms are growing daily, addressing various threats and risks for individuals and also companies.

CSS nesting

I’ve been doing this CSS thing for over 15 years and I’ve seen a lot of change in that time. A lot of the time, I see a new CSS feature and immediately get excited about how helpful it’s going to be for me and the team in the long term. A good example of that is text-box-trim.

The Mistakes of CSS

You are not alone. CSS was born in 1996 (it can legally order a beer, you know!) and was initially considered a way to style documents; I don’t think anyone imagined everything CSS would be expected to do nearly 30 years later. If we had a time machine, many things would be done differently to match conventions or to make more sense. Heck, even the CSS Working Group admits to…

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