Web Dev stories

The Mistakes of CSS

You are not alone. CSS was born in 1996 (it can legally order a beer, you know!) and was initially considered a way to style documents; I don’t think anyone imagined everything CSS would be expected to do nearly 30 years later.

CSS: scrollbar-color and scrollbar-gutter are Baseline Newly available

With the scrollbar-color property you can change the colors used for scrollbars. You can specify the color of the thumb and the color track with it. Using scrollbar-width you can opt-in to a narrower scrollbar, or even to hide the scrollbar completely without affecting scrollability.

The Role of Custom CMS Development

Imagine a delicious dish that hits all the right flavors and textures next to a takeaway meal with similar ingredients but made to appeal to everyone. Which one would you choose? We bet it would be the former and it’s not even close.

Website Performance Optimization

There’s many lists of page speed tips online, but in this article I’ll explain why an approach based on automated tooling and high-level page load analysis is often a more effective path to take.

How to create a color gradient tool in JavaScript

Time to make things pop! By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have your own gradient tool to generate CSS and create stunning gradients that bring a striking appeal to any web design.

Why Accessibility Improves SEO

Website accessibility and SEO go hand in hand. They basically share the same goal of creating a user-friendly, easy-to-navigate website that is accessible to a wider audience.

The Impact Dark Mode Has on User Experience

As a website designer or website owner, you typically think you have only one way to create a website — a white background, black font, and different visual elements in the foreground. But that’s only one variant of website layout. The alternative is the dark mode.

Managing Top-Layer Elements and Display Behavior in CSS

We are getting spoiled with so many new features involving animations with CSS, from scroll-driven animations to view transitions, and plenty of things in between. But it’s not always the big features that make our everyday lives easier; sometimes, it’s those ease-of-life features that truly enhance our projects. In this article, Brecht De Ruyte puts two features on display: @starting-style and transition-behavior — two properties that are absolutely welcome additions to your everyday work with CSS animations.

Svelte 5 And The Future Of Frameworks

Svelte 5 is out, and it’s radically different but intimately familiar.

CSS Snippets Every Front-End Developer Should Know In 2025

This year, the snippets are bigger, more powerful, and leverage progressive enhancement a bit more; to help us step up to the vast UI/UX requirements of 2025.

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