Web Design stories

Why people still love WordPress?

But that’s the interesting part. What this whole circus has shown us is that people don’t have a problem with WordPress. The issue is with Mullenweg, the chaos swirling around him, and the fear that it’ll trickle over to everyone’s websites and businesses at some point.

Responsive Email Templates: A Must in 2025

Email used to be a tool we used on computers to communicate with others. Today, it has evolved into a powerful method of marketing that has spread across multiple platforms

Frontend Developer Roadmap 2025: The Complete Guide

If you’re looking to become a frontend developer, this guide is for you. Whether you’re starting from scratch or already know the basics, it will help you focus on what really matters and learn the skills that set you apart.https://levelup.gitconnected.com/frontend-developer-roadmap-2025-the-complete-guide-b209a9c3a22b

Flowbite launched a new dashboard

Check out a new dashboard built with Tailwind CSS and Flowbite featuring over 60 pages including a calendar page, kanban board, AI prompting, chatroom, and more.

Accessibility essentials every front-end developer should know

In this article, I’ll walk you through the key accessibility principles I believe every front-end developer should apply when building components, including:

Web Designer Salaries Around the World: A Comprehensive Guide

This article provides a detailed overview of average annual salaries for web designers at different experience levels (beginner and advanced) in various countries. All figures are presented in U.S. dollars for consistency.

Front-End Features For Designers In 2025

Searching for the most flexible front-end workflows and toolkits, it’s easy to forget how powerful some of the fundamentals on the web have become these days. This post is a journey through new front-end features and what they are capable of.

The importance of testing and prototyping in web design

Prototyping helps to turn ideas into reality, visualize them, and identify and fix any issues early on. Testing ensures that these ideas function well in real-world scenarios. Together, these two processes form a cycle that allows to create high-quality, intuitive interfaces for users.

Payment Button Design Best Practices

Payment button is one of the most important elements for any eCommerce or SaaS website. It’s way more than just a functional element — it’s a critical touchpoint in the user journey that can make or break a transaction.

Sustainable Web Design

If you’re interested and passionate about sustainability and you want to reduce your carbon footprint, sustainable web design is the way to go.

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