Web Dev stories

Inline Conditionals: A New Era for CSS?

A couple days ago, I posted about the recent CSS WG resolution to add an if() function to CSS. Great as it may be, this is still a long way off, two years if everything goes super smoothly, more if not. So what can you do when you need conditionals right now?

Post-Launch Analysis: Improving Your Website and App

Whether you’ve launched a redesign of your website or rolled out a new feature in your app, that is the point where people normally move on to the next project. But, that is a mistake.

Key Trends Influencing the GenAI Market in 2024

Building on the article surrounding the copyright debate in GenAI, which delves into the challenges and expert perspectives, this blog post continues to explore the evolving landscape through predictive insights. As we look ahead, the interplay between technology, law, and ethics becomes increasingly complex, prompting a closer examination of potential legal frameworks, and market shifts:

Bringing Terminal Typography to Life

Some fun Terminal-like character hover animations for lines of text.

The Critical Role of Red Teaming in Cyber Defense

Modern Fortune 500 software companies operate with millions of servers, tens of thousands of employees, and limitless connectivity. These companies invest heavily in standards and regulatory compliance, vulnerability scanning, application security, and other security defenses to help harden their massive footprints and improve their ability to respond to cyberattacks.

Transforming Footnotes into Interactive Popovers

Michelle Barker is onto an excellent idea in Progressively Enhanced Popover Toggletips. Her idea is that footnotes are the perfect sort of thing to make popovers. You know popovers: It’s like when I put a superset1 number in a sentence (like I just did) and then link it down to the bottom of the post to explain something in more detail which would have been distracting detail to put in the paragraph…

Best Practices for Web Permissions

Permission prompts are the web’s main mechanism to protect powerful capabilities that are potentially dangerous to users’ privacy and security.

Building a responsive menu with CSS

For much of the time I’ve spent fiddling with the code for this site, I kept my navigation for desktop and mobile nearly identical. A horizontal row of labels and icons: on desktop, displayed next to my name and, on mobile, those same items under my name. That’s (fairly) recently been swapped out for proper, responsive, mobile navigation that’s facilitated with a bit of CSS.

Unlocking Auto-Height Transitions with Experimental CSS Features

The experimental CSS function calc-size(auto) can be used so that transitions and animations can go from zero (0) to this value. But that is unlikely to be the final syntax! ⚠️ So be forewarned.

The Pros and Cons of Using Variables in Figma Prototypes

If you are a designer using Figma then you are probably familiar with building prototypes to help take your static designs into realistic versions of your product.

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