Web Design stories

Essential Website Editing Checklist for Success

Hitting “publish” on a new webpage or major update is exciting, but there’s a nagging fear… Did you miss something? Little mistakes can seriously impact website visitors.

Flowbite has launched over 50+ e-commerce components

These components are designed to enhance user experience, streamline development processes, and provide customizable options to meet the unique needs of various e-commerce platforms.

A Fresh Typeface Exclusive to Spotify

Spotify is as unique and personal as each listener who’s plugged in daily, as well as the artists and creators who have found a home on our platform. We never stop innovating when it comes to building an experience that reflects the vibrancy and creativity of our community. Whether it’s the new products and tools we release or the marketing and events we debut, we are forever evolving.

The Role of Affordance in Crafting Design System Components

Let’s consider a table and a chair as examples. The primary affordance of a table is its ability to support items, facilitated by its flat, horizontal surface.

Elevate Your Design Systems Team with Code Connect Best Practices

Design system leads and developers at Bumble, GitHub, and HP share how they’re leveraging the new Dev Mode feature to bridge the gap between design and code.

How Responsive Design Testing Boosts E-Commerce Success

In today’s digital age, e-commerce has become the backbone of the retail industry. As online shoppers continue to rise, providing a seamless and engaging user experience across all devices is crucial

The Essential Guide to Keyboard Integration in Mobile Interfaces

When Designing interfaces for mobile applications, designers often leave keyboards “out of the picture.” However, this is quite an interesting topic, as the correct (use of the keyboard) keyboard use is what any user expects from an interface.

Discover 127 Figma Website Designs

Today Figma is a top designers’ choice with more than 4 million users and among those are big tech companies like Microsoft, X (Twitter), Dropbox, Rakuten, Stripe, Slack, GitHub, and many more.

Designing Interactive Elements That Keep Users Engaged

We’re looking at how and why to design interactions that compel people to play with them again and again. Plus we’re messing around with the Fidget Spinner, 2017’s breakout fidget hit.

What UI density means?

Interfaces are becoming less dense, I’m usually one to be skeptical of nostalgia and “we liked it that way” bias, but comparing websites and applications of 2024 to their 2000s-era counterparts, the spreading out of software is hard to ignore.

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