UX stories

Understanding Traditional UX Metrics

Measuring user experience (UX) has always been a complex challenge, requiring a blend of creativity and data-driven precision. To tackle this, I created the User Experience Improvement Score (UEIS), a metric that offers a comprehensive view of UX enhancements while pinpointing specific areas for growth.

The Impact Dark Mode Has on User Experience

As a website designer or website owner, you typically think you have only one way to create a website — a white background, black font, and different visual elements in the foreground. But that’s only one variant of website layout. The alternative is the dark mode.

CSS Snippets Every Front-End Developer Should Know In 2025

This year, the snippets are bigger, more powerful, and leverage progressive enhancement a bit more; to help us step up to the vast UI/UX requirements of 2025.

UI/UX trends to keep an eye on in 2025

Trends change rapidly in UI/UX, and new year means quite a few new emerging innovations that designers should be aware of in order to create relevant and engaging designs. Some trends stay on from previous years, some are completely new, and some might end up being the fleeting ones, so it’s important to pearl off those that truly elevate user experience and make a better impact on your product. Let’s…

The Hottest UI/UX Trends in 2024

But how to create a really attractive website? First things first: make it easy and eye-pleasing, and fill it with the relevant information to describe your vision. That’s not all. Adhere to UI/UX design trends in 2024. In every sense, they are the shortcut to leveling up your web design.

Tailwind CSS v4.0 is here

Tailwind CSS v4.0 is an all-new version of the framework optimized for performance and flexibility, with a reimagined configuration and customization experience, and taking full advantage of the latest advancements the web platform has to offer.

Should navigation bars be sticky or fixed?

Like most UX design decisions, choosing the best type of navigation isn’t a one-size-fits-all verdict. It depends on your digital product, target users, and UX goals.

9 ChatGPT Prompts to Speed Up Your UX Research Prep

A senior growth product manager shares their tried-and-true AI prompts to spare you hours of repetitive work.

Dark Mode and Accessibility: Finding the Right Balance

It didn’t take long for the “dark mode” to become a requirement for every user interface design. What started out as a design trend turned into a must-have feature for offering a comfortable user experience.

Sustainable web design trends in digital UX design

The internet has a massive environmental impact. It currently produces 3.7 percent of global carbon emissions — that’s more than most countries of the world. All of the internet’s data centers have a larger CO2 footprint than air and water travel, and the average data center uses 11–19 million liters of water daily. And these numbers will only rise with the increasing demand for consumer content and the servers that…

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