UX stories

Why “Just UX” Is No Longer Enough? What is XQ?

Digital products and services are becoming a bigger part of our daily lives. Every new app claims to meet user expectations, anticipate their needs, and be “user-friendly.” As a result, the concept of User Experience (UX) has gained importance in almost every industry.

UX and User Testing in the Age of AI-Driven Web Navigation

This ambitious project introduces autonomous AI agents designed to navigate the web, execute tasks, and provide actionable results, fundamentally reshaping how users interact with digital platforms.

How underperforming UX may be affecting your customer churn rate

Customer churn becomes most noticeable during dramatic events – consistent negative reviews, sudden user drop-offs, significant spikes in bounce rates or, the more obvious, plummeting revenue. Whilst these dramatic usability failures and system outages immediately demand attention, subtle UX issues that slowly erode user engagement can also play a damaging role in an organisation’s troubles.

From Farm to App: Using Design to Enhance Farmers Markets Experience

Local farmers markets are an essential part of Berlin’s food system, offering fresh, locally produced goods while contributing to environmental sustainability and community building.

Revolutionizing Automotive UX with AI/ML Integration

As I delve deeper into understanding the capabilities and limitations of Artificial Intelligence, I see an opportunity for AI/ML to improve an existing flow in the Automotive industry.

Never skip research day

As UX designers, one of the most valuable tools in our toolkit is the skill to validate our design decisions with user research. It’s invaluable to making quality design decisions.

Why an Interview Snapshot Streamlines UX Research Analysis

An interview snapshot is a way to organize your thinking as research sessions are happening, setting you up for smoother, less stressful analysis later on. There’s no wrong way to use it, and we have a customizable template to get you going.

Creating An Effective Multistep Form For Better User Experience

Forms are already notoriously tough to customize and style — to the extent that we’re already starting to see new ideas for more flexible control. But what we don’t often discuss is designing good-form experiences beyond validation. That’s what Jima Victor discusses in this article, focusing specifically on creating multi-step forms that involve navigation between sections.

UX and CX Merge: The Shift from Products to Journeys

Organizational silos and product-centric design make it difficult to resolve friction for customers who use our products and services. User-centered design is applied to digital products, but many pain points in real customer journeys require solutions in areas beyond product-design improvement, such as marketing, tech, and customer support.

Cognitive Biases in UX Design

Psychologists studying the functioning of the human brain found out a long time ago that it has a tendency to take shortcuts and simplify tasks. By nature, our brain just doesn’t want to fatigue itself. This is especially true today when many of us experience cognitive overload. A brain overwhelmed with too much information it can’t process effectively tries to find a way to make things easier. The result? Cognitive biases.

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