Business stories

Will artificial intelligence replace my job as a UX designer?

An examination of ChatGPT and Dall-E’s capacity for UX. ChatGPT launched November 30th, and quickly exploded in popularity with over a million new users in it’s first week.

Junior designers, please don’t give in

The economy is tanking, and the market is flooding with experienced designers. It is now more challenging than ever to get a job as a junior designer. But the world needs you, please don’t give in.

User Persona – Generate comprehensive user personas with the help of AI

User Persona is a tool that uses AI to generate detailed user personas for businesses and organizations. A user persona is a fictional character that represents a company’s ideal customer, based on market research and customer data.

Critiquing our (remote) design crits

Design critiques, also called “crits”, are one of those feedback-focused design rituals that feel so essential to the design process. When done well, they help us improve our design, avoid blind spots, explore new angles, and create higher-quality work.

Intentio – Stop mindless browsing & become intentional

Build healthy technology habits with a mindful approach to internet browsing, encourages self-accountability, and automatically start Pomodoro whenever you visit your focus sites.

The Best Pricing Page Ideas

Find inspiration and expert-approved strategies for your pricing page with Pricing Page Ideas. Our curated collection of SaaS pricing pages helps you make informed decisions about design and pricing models, from freemium to one-time payment.

Branding for the collective unconscious

How to create a deeper connection with consumers through universally shared archetypes, values, and symbols

EarlyBird – Build a landing page and validate your new idea in 10 mins

EarlyBird is a platform for creatives to build, pitch, and validate their business ideas. The said creatives could be a developer, hacker, influencer, marketer, writer, etc.

Why Designers are attracted to FAANG companies?

FAANG stands for Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, and Google, the five most successful and prominent technology companies in the world; namely, Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, and Google. Many of these companies have a reputation for innovation, excellence, and a positive workplace culture, which makes them attractive to employees.

How to explain your design when your manager only cares about metrics

How to think about design when your manager seems to only care about the numbers

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