Business stories

Snapchat’s trippy new brand campaign aims to answer the question: What is Snapchat for?

Complete with AR integration, ‘Wait’ll You See This’ is meant to spark conversations around the ‘best known, least understood’ social app.

How to use surveys in design research – Pitfalls and benefits

Surveys. We love them or we love to hate them. Why are they so divisive? Well, it is a fact that it would be hard to find a more misused UX research method than surveys.

Better ROI For Your Digital Products: Why Continuous Research Is Key

57% of product professionals say that product research has a positive effect on customer satisfaction. 42% agree that it affects profitability. Imagine how much more successful your product would be if you did research continuously?  

7 Essential Notion Templates for Product Designers

Templates are one of the key features that Notion offers. Here are top 7 freeNotion templates that can be useful for product designers.

Become a Freelance Web Developer on Fiverr: Ultimate Guide

Freelancing websites have a history of marketing and attracting clients so that freelancers can easily market their services on their platforms.

Shutterstock rolls out a generative AI toolkit to create images based on text prompts

When Shutterstock and OpenAI announced a partnership to help develop OpenAI’s Dall-E 2 artificial intelligence image-generating platform with Shutterstock libraries to train and feed the algorithm, the stock photo and media giant also hinted that it would soon be bringing its own generative AI tools to users.

How To Make A Design Portfolio With Notion

Creating a stunning and organized Notion portfolio has never been easier!

Demand for AI skills on the rise as Fiverr searches spike for freelancers

Fiverr is turning to AI, today introducing new categories to its freelance marketplace to help businesses find the AI talent they need.

10 Common interview questions for a UX designer role

Landing a UX designer job requires a lot of hard work. Not only do you need a lot of preparation to get invited to the interview, but you also need to convince hiring managers that you’re the best candidate for this position. While it’s impossible to know beforehand what questions the interviewer will ask you, a few common questions come up frequently during UX designer interviews. This article will share…

Disclaimer Generator

A disclaimer generator tool is a great tool for website and app owners, as it allows them to easily create a disclaimer for their website or app. This is especially important for website and app owners.

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