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How To Build Confidence In Your UX Work

When I start any UX project, typically, there is very little confidence in the successful outcome of my UX initiatives. In fact, there is quite a lot of reluctance and hesitation, especially from teams that have been burnt by empty promises and poor delivery in the past.

Why people are mad at Figma

Yes, Photoshop lost. Maybe you’re new around here, but Photoshop was THE design tool everyone used to design websites and apps. Everyone. But it lost out to Sketch and Figma and now hardly anyone designs these things in Photoshop. Of course some still do but most don’t. I still use Photoshop for certain things but never web design or apps. It’s dead to me there.

A Fresh Design for a Better Flowbite Experience

We’re giving every UI element a complete refresh, focused on better aesthetics, improved usability, and a more polished design system.

Styling Counters in CSS

Yes, you are reading that correctly: This is indeed a guide to styling counters with CSS. Some of you are cheering, “Finally!”, but I understand that the vast majority of you are thinking, “Um, it’s just styling lists.” If you are part of the second group, I get it. Before learning and writing more and more about counters, I thought the same thing. Now I am part of the first…

My Predictions Regarding AI Progress

I’m not fully committed to this model yet: I’m still on the lookout for more agents and inference-time scaling later this year. But Deep Research, Claude 3.7, Claude Code, Grok 3, and GPT-4.5 have turned out largely in line with these expectations[1], and this is my current baseline prediction.

Symbl – Your Ultimate Symbol Library

Explore and copy a wide range of HTML symbols to enhance your designs, improve readability, and add unique characters to your projects

Exploring Anime.js: A Powerful JavaScript Animation Library

In modern web development, animations are essential for creating engaging and interactive user experiences. They help convey meaning, provide feedback, and improve aesthetics.

AI Learning Resources & Insights

Since joining Microsoft’s AI team last year, I’ve found myself diving headfirst into the world of artificial intelligence. What began as an overwhelming experience, trying to grasp concepts and frameworks, has now turned into a passion project that I’m eager to share with you. In just six months, I transitioned from being a complete beginner to confidently speaking at conferences, sharing insights about AI and its impact on business and…

What is a Dark Pattern and How to Avoid Them

Recently, I found myself at a photo booth after an exhausting day. While processing my order, a screen appeared asking if I wanted additional photos for just £2 more. There were two options: a bold green “Continue” button that commanded attention, and a barely visible, desaturated grey “Skip” button that appeared almost non-clickable. I caught myself nearly pressing “Continue”, simply because it was the visually dominant choice — but I…

Breadcrumbs Are Dead in Web Design

Breadcrumbs, once a staple in web design, have become obsolete in today’s non-linear, context-driven web, where dynamic and personalized navigation systems take precedence. Modern navigation focuses on intelligent, search-first, and adaptive solutions that better cater to user needs and expectations.

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