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The Best Free Version Control Software For 2023

If you’re a developer, you know how important it is to keep track of code changes and collaborate with your team. That’s where version control software comes in handy.

Case Study: Garden Gates. Brand Identity and Packaging Design for Garden Center

The logo design for the project presents the combination mark in which the symbol echoes botanical motifs elegantly organized in a square shape, and the typographic part sets a strong visual connection with it using the same leaf shape as a part of the letter.

How to Use Storytelling in UX

Storytelling is by far one of the most powerful instruments in the arsenal of a UX specialist. By telling stories, brands and individuals alike can better connect with their respective audiences and build strong and lasting relationships in the long run.

5 reasons why web designers should use a proxy

Proxy servers are invaluable assets to many designers around the world. Let’s dive into the benefits of using a proxy to transform your web design workflow.

To rebrand or not to rebrand?

When is the right time to rebrand? Almost never. But if you must, these rebranding efforts might provide some useful hints.

Here’s what crazy radio spectrum looks like, in all its hidden beauty

This gorgeous chart illustrates the intricacies of managing one of our nation’s most crucial—and invisible—national assets: the radio spectrum.

Dark Patterns in UX Design — Which Ones Are the Most Deceptive?

User experience design is a powerful discipline with a fine line between assistance and manipulation. Organizations often use dark patterns to trick users into decisions they otherwise wouldn’t choose. Sometimes these dark patterns don’t have malicious intent, but the result is the same.

Designing Adobe Illustrator’s rich tooltips

Relatable visual stories that surprise, delight, and guide user outcomes

Turning 3D Models to Voxel Art with Three.js

In this detailed tutorial you will learn how to turn 3D models into voxel art with Three.js.

The Best Handoff Is No Handoff

Design handoffs are inefficient and painful. They cause frustration, friction and a lot of back and forth. Can we avoid them altogether? Of course we can! Let’s see how to do just that.

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