Web Dev stories

50 Practical JavaScript Tips for Developers

JavaScript is a dynamic and constantly evolving language, and mastering its quirks can significantly improve your coding efficiency. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced developer, these 50 practical tips will enhance your JavaScript skills and help you write cleaner, more efficient code.

VS Code’s Inner Loop: Maintaining Developer Focus and Flow

These days, it isn’t just the efforts of a particular team or a particular set of tools that set engineers up for success—it’s equally about the cross-functional culture, principles, and processes that drive a company as a whole. Whether you’re building dev tools or collaborating with your development team, it’s time to go a level deeper on these dynamics. We brought product builders together in five cities and invited leaders…

Staggered (3D) Grid Animations with Scroll-Triggered Effects

A playful concept where we use scroll-based animations to create 3D grid effects and other transitions.

Essential Steps for Building a Mobile App for Your Brand

Having a mobile app for your brand has become a necessity. A well-designed app can improve customer engagement, brand loyalty, and provide a competitive edge in your industry.

Top 10 Benefits Of Using Drupal For Your Website Development

If you are searching for the best content management system or CMS, then Drupal is the one that can power your website. In case you have not looked into Drupal before this, then you might not know its perks.

CSS Grid Transitions: Solving Smoothness Issues with JavaScript APIs

I got a little nerdsniped by Preethi’s post CSS Fan Out with Grid and @property the other day. I like the idea of a opening a menu of items where the layout is powered by CSS grid.

Code Once, Deploy Everywhere with Mitosis: Vision or Reality?

Mitosis is a tool that transforms JSX components into fully functional components for frameworks such as React, Vue, Angular and many more. It’s an ambitious project that could benefit many developers. But how does it achieve its goal and how production ready is it?

The search for speed in Figma

Our months-long investigation into slow search speeds led to a solution that not only improved performance but also set the foundation for future scale.

Exploring Playful Context-Aware Animations for Fixed Elements

Exploring how fixed elements can hide and reveal based on scroll interactions with playful, context-aware animations.

Fixing your website’s JavaScript performance

When it comes to web performance, you may think of techniques like compression, asset optimization, or even HTTP caching. These are really important, and there’s plenty of existing resources covering ways to fix or implement them. However, some less-discussed performance bottlenecks can severely impact website speed. In this post, we’ll discuss three issues that often originate from inefficient JavaScript patterns.

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