Web Dev stories

GitHub’s Copilot goes beyond code completion, adds a chat mode and more

GitHub is announcing its Copilot X initiative today, an extension of its work on its popular Copilot code completion tool, which originally launched into preview all the way back in 2021.

Cyberpunk inspired Three.js Scene with JavaScript and Blender

Learn how to code a vibrant Cyberpunk scene using Three.js, complete with post-processing and dynamic lighting, no shader expertise needed!

What is Git Merge and how to use it?

In this tutorial, we’re going to dive deep into Git merge, its benefits, potential risks, and best practices for using it in a team environment.

Awesome Demos Roundup #24

A collection of creative code experiments from the past couple of weeks.

Angular vs React: Which is Better for Frontend Projects?

Angular and React are two of the most popular JavaScript tools for frontend development. They’re both powerful, well-supported, and actively developed by their respective communities. 

How to Use Modals Without Hurting Your UX*

While modals can be useful for certain tasks, they also have some disadvantages. One of the main drawbacks is that they can interrupt the user’s workflow and cause them to lose their place in the application.

Fullscreen Clip Animation

Some inspiration for clip-path animations where a fullscreen image moves into a row/grid of smaller images, morphing its shape along the way.

23+ Amazing CSS Tools for Development and Design in 2023

In this article, we’ll explore 23+ powerful CSS tools that will take your web development game to the next level in 2023 — for free!

How to Design Search in User Interfaces: Tips and Practices

Our today’s article provides some handy insights and design practices for making internal search intuitive and easy to use.

Collective #755

This week’s pick is an impressive all-rounder: beautiful scroll animations, smooth page transitions and engaging details.

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