Web Dev stories

4 Levels of Grids for Web Designers

Grids are a fundamental component of any design practice, and especially so when designing things for screens. There are (at least) four levels of grid use in interaction design.

The Impact Of Agile Methodologies On Code Quality

Say goodbye to traditional workflows and embrace Agile to unlock the power of high-quality code.

wp-now: Launch a Local Environment in Seconds

Currently in its alpha stage, wp-now is already the fastest and easiest way to spin up a local WordPress site.

11 HTML best practices for login & sign-up forms

In general, sign-in and login forms are very simple. For most websites, they feature just 2 inputs and a submit button. But, even with this simple HTML structure, many websites still have little mistakes.

Avoid these 7 mistakes when designing a landing page

Designing an effective landing page is no easy feat. There’s a lot you need to achieve with a simple but effective landing page. In this post, we’ve lined up 7 mistakes you should AVOID when designing a landing page.

WordPress Offers Two Very Different Paths: That’s a Good Thing

Do we go with a battle-tested classic theme or opt for a newfangled block theme? Do we embrace the Block Editor or stick with the trusty Classic flavor?

WordPress 6.2.2 Restores Shortcode Support in Block Templates, Fixes Security Issue

WordPress 6.2.2 was released early this morning as a rapid follow-up to 6.2.1, which introduced a bug that broke shortcode support in block templates.

Collective #765

A captivating web experience by Zajno that not only showcases stunning interactions and inspiring layouts but also serves as a comprehensive guide to the art of motion design, emphasizing the importance of doing it right through abundant examples and insightful explanations.

WordPress 6.2.1 Update Breaks Shortcode Support in Block Templates

A support forum thread tracking the broken shortcodes issue shows that this change impacts how plugins display things like breadcrumbs, newsletter signup forms, WPForms, Metaslider, bbPress content, and more. The problem affects template blocks, not sites that are using non-FSE themes.

AI-powered coding, free of charge with Colab

Google Colab will soon introduce AI coding features using Google’s most advanced family of code models, Codey.

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