Web Dev stories

I’d like to remove the typeface Academy Engraved LET please

See this typeface Academy Engraved LET? It’s usually the first typeface in my Fontdropdowns in every single app.

Animate a Camera Fly-through on Scroll Using Theatre.js and React Three Fiber

This tutorial will show you how to animate a camera flying through a 3D scene as the user scrolls using Theatre.js and React Three Fiber.

Recreating Crosswire’s Reflective Grid with Three.js

Learn how to recreate the reflective grid and energy wave from Crosswire’s website using Three.js.

How To Build A Magazine Layout With CSS Grid Areas

Web development, especially what you can do with CSS, has become increasingly complex. With the added capabilities of CSS Grid, it is now possible to achieve layouts that look like they were laid out by hand. Let’s tackle a practical example of how to do something like that.

A Fancy Hover Effect For Your Avatar

Do you know that kind of effect where someone’s head is poking through a circle or hole? The famous Porky Pig animation where he waves goodbye while popping out of a series of red rings is the perfect example, and Kilian Valkhof actually re-created that here on CSS-Tricks a while back.

The Guide To Responsive Design In 2023 and Beyond

The term “responsive” means a lot of things now. We have media queries that check for user preferences, and modern CSS features that help us make a fluid layout without even using a media query. Responsive is different nowadays. It’s an exciting time, indeed!

Interop 2023: continuing to improve the web for developers

Again in 2023, all major browser vendors, and other stakeholders, work together to solve the top browsers compatibility issues.

Figma to Webflow plugin

Convert and import your Figma designs to Webflow. The Webflow Figma plugin helps you transfer your Figma designs into production-ready Webflow HTML & CSS.

OpenAI has hired an army of contractors to make basic coding obsolete

OpenAI, the company behind the chatbot ChatGPT, has ramped up its hiring around the world, bringing on roughly 1,000 remote contractors over the past six months in regions like Latin America and Eastern Europe, according to people familiar with the matter.

TailGrids 2.0

TailGrids is a handcrafted library of Tailwind CSS UI components, blocks, and templates. A vast collection of 500+ free & premium Tailwind UI components from various categories to make building frontend website UI easier by simply copying and pasting snippets.

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