Web Dev stories

On-Scroll SVG Filter Effect

Combining GSAP’s Scroll Trigger and Flip with a SVG Filter, based on a demo by Fabio Ottaviani.

Supreme Court rules for web designer who refused to work on same-sex weddings

In a blow to LGBTQ rights, the court said creative businesses can refuse to sell certain products and services if they disagree with the message the customer wishes to convey.

ChatGPT vs. Google Bard: Which AI Chatbot Is Better at Coding?

The capabilities of AI chatbots are growing rapidly. But can they code yet, and which is better at the task?

Expectations from companies when you say you’re a full stack developer

Pretty realistic!

Collective #771

We love the simplicity and elegance of this design. It’s enhanced with smooth animations and an interesting menu hover effect. Our pick this week.

37 Web Design Stats to Guide Your Online Strategy in 2023

Are you looking for ways to improve your business website? Want to learn the key website design facts and figures that should guide your online strategy?  

Creating a Bulge Distortion Effect with WebGL

Learn how to create a fun bulge effect in WebGL using the OGL library and shaders.

Useful DevTools Tips and Tricks

You might think you know all the tricks when it comes to browser DevTools, but did you know that there are dozens of panels and hundreds of features waiting to supercharge your debugging workflow? Whatever your debugging use case is, there’s probably a tool that’s right for the job. Let’s discover the most popular DevTools tips that can boost your productivity.

10 JavaScript Tricky Questions to Prep for Interviews

10 JavaScript Questions worth trying.

What’s New in DevTools (Chrome 116)

DevTools gets a number of improvements to help you identify and debug issues with missing stylesheets faster…

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