Web Dev stories

6 reasons for website downtime (+ how to resolve it)

Website downtime is an extremely frustrating experience for business owners, bloggers, and other professionals across all industries. If this problem isn’t addressed quickly and efficiently, affected sites will likely experience a big drop in engagement and sales.

Browser Support for Modern Centering Technique

Regardless of whether you’ve given an element equal padding on the top and bottom, used margin: auto or align-content, with or without flexbox or grid, its often not enough to vertically center text.

Two different kinds of “focusable” UI elements

In accessibility, “focusable” UI elements are represented by two separate yet equally important concepts: the elements who can be focused sequentially and those who can only receive focus programmatically. These are their stories. Dun-Dun

10 JavaScript Concepts to Master

JavaScript is filled with subtle quirks that can trip up even seasoned developers. Below are ten commonly asked JavaScript interview questions and their explanations. Understanding these concepts will help you avoid surprises during interviews and solidify your grasp of the language.

How to Write Clean Code: Refactoring and Best Practices.

We’ve all been there – staring down code that should work but is practically unreadable. And let’s be real: every developer (yes, every single one of us) has written code like that at some point. The good news? Refactoring is a skill you can learn, and clean code is within reach.

Recreating the Mac Mini Effect Step-by-Step in Rive

Learn how to bring the Mac Mini animation to life using Rive’s powerful no-code tools, with tips on nested artboards, state machines, and faux 3D effects.

Framer Motion Evolves—Say Hello to Motion

Writing that feels pretty wild. Making Framer Motion has been the best job of my life. To do so for six years within the best product team in the world, both a massive learning experience and a privilege.

Will we care about frameworks in the future?

I’ve a hypothesis that something like these Agents will be how we build software in the future, so as I build these apps I try to never adjust the output, I want to see how far that I can get with the machine creating all the code and so see how far away we are from this future.

Building Digital Tools Without the Hype

I had a fantastic conversation with Jem Sophia today (our first actual conversation after years of talking online!) who pointed me in the direction of this fantastic article. I love the sentiment and the metaphor. Creating software to scratch an itch without any ambitions of ScAlInG and turning it into a capitalistic enterprise.

Create a breakout game with HTML, CSS, and vanilla JavaScript

Let’s create a Breakout game using Vanilla JavaScript. In a Breakout game, the player uses a paddle to bounce a ball and hit bricks, removing the bricks one by one.

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