Web Design stories

Transforming Footnotes into Interactive Popovers

Michelle Barker is onto an excellent idea in Progressively Enhanced Popover Toggletips. Her idea is that footnotes are the perfect sort of thing to make popovers. You know popovers: It’s like when I put a superset1 number in a sentence (like I just did) and then link it down to the bottom of the post to explain something in more detail which would have been distracting detail to put in the paragraph…

Enhancing UI Design with the Gestalt Principle of Common Fate

Let’s explore how this principle can make your interfaces more intuitive and user-friendly.

Errors Freelance Web Designers Should Avoid

The great thing about being a freelancer is that you’re in charge. That can also work against you, though. You make all the decisions. So, who’s to blame when something goes wrong? Just take a look in the mirror.

Simplify Website Visual Testing with Chromatic and Playwright Tools

Learn how to visually test websites using Chromatic and Playwright to ensure that web interfaces remain visually consistent and free of bugs.

Designing a website to not have 404s

The primary goal of this is to provide a better user experience. I am unsure what are the implications for SEO, but I am hoping that it will be positive. I will keep you updated on this.

How CSS Container Style Queries Enhance Web Design

What are these CSS Container Style Queries, and why should you use them? Juan Diego Rodríguez delves deeply into style queries, and not at the syntax level, but at what exactly they are solving and what sort of use cases you would find yourselves reaching for them in your work if and when they gain browser support.

Modern Web Development

The web development landscape is constantly evolving and as user requirements also change, developers continue to explore ways to build frontend applications with a balance of performance, flexibility, and maintenance. JavaScript-heavy frameworks help developers build frontend applications, but they often introduce scalability and maintenance challenges and can be complex to manage.

The Role of Inspiration in the Creative Process

I save many things each month that I find inspiring for some reason, and I like organized lists, so I figured I’d share those lists and maybe help someone out of a creative block.

What Does the Future of User Interface Design Look Like?

The relationship between people and digital experiences via screens is a constant dialogue of design. And that language is always changing.

Behind the Scenes: Designer Motivation and Work Progress

I want to understand a designer’s motivations, experiences, inspirations, and anything else that gives context to their work. OGs may recall the headline from the early days: “What are you working on? Dribbble is show and tell for designers.”

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