UX stories

Exciting New Tools for Designers, February 2024

2024 is well underway and shaping up to be an interesting year. So, to help you keep your focus on working hard and getting stuff done, we’ve collected another bunch of helpful bits and pieces from across the web.

The era of spatial typography is here

The Apple Vision Pro opens up a whole new dimension for type design.

In Loving Memory of Square Checkbox

As you can see, even the checkmark wasn’t always there. But one thing remained constant: checkboxes were square.

Mobile search: which pattern should you choose?

The Search is a flexible tool. It can work very differently depending on the context. To understand the topic better, we have outlined a list of principles according to which search can operate.

The Feature Trap: Why Feature Centricity Is Harming Your Product

Most product teams commonly adopt a feature-centric mindset, finding them convenient for brainstorming, drafting requirement documents, and integrating into backlogs and ticketing systems. In this article, Andy Budd shows how fixation with features might be holding you back and how making a few small tweaks to your process could make an entire world of difference.

Disabled buttons

Always enabled buttons have long been among the “best practices” of UX design, but there are still disabled buttons in interfaces here and there. In 2021, my colleagues at «Open Investments» asked me to make a presentation with a theoretical proof of the “buttons should always be enabled” concept.

In Praise of Buttons

In any design discipline there are always certain trends. One of these trends seems to be that buttons are now considered uncool. It doesn’t matter if they are buttons on physical objects or in graphical user interfaces.

Evolving beyond a canvas tool

I love the canvas.It embraces everything. You can write, draw, paint, color, shade, trace and manifest your ideas freely, wherever feels suitable. It’s almost endless freedom. It’s addictive, and I believe it hinders product designers from being as powerful as they should be. Lets go for a ride…

All you need to know about W3C Web Sustainability Guidelines

For the web industry, the moment could be approaching now, marked by the introduction of the Web Sustainability Guidelines. Developed by the W3C, these guidelines represent a significant leap toward integrating sustainability into digital products and services. Let’s see what is important to know about this game-changing document.

The Cost of Personalization

We make upward of 35,000 decisions each day, requiring mental energy that often leaves us feeling drained.1 AI-powered personalization promises a solution to decision fatigue that’s custom tailored to our preferences.

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