UX stories

UX/UI Design Trends Going Into 2024

Love it or hate it, there are actually some design waves that are smart and functional. These functions could range from including more information in less space, to build more engagement with the users.

40 Best New Websites, 2023

What makes a website great? Is it the design, the functionality, the subject? Or is it specific design elements like the typography, or colors?

Building Components For Consumption, Not Complexity (Part 1)

Design systems can be of immense help, but failure to adopt them invalidates the hard work that goes into building the thing in the first place! In this two-part series of articles, Luis shares his experience with design systems and how you can overcome the potential pitfalls, starting from how to make designers on your team adopt the complex and well-built system that you created to what are the best…

The Sweet Spot for Design System Work

There’s a narrow window for effective design system work. It sits squarely in the center of a spectrum that’s too easy to slide towards one end or the other.

Navigation patterns in mobile applications. How to make the right choice?

This article will explore the most common navigation practices in the market as of the end of 2023.

Scroll Fading 101

Whether scroll fading is more distracting than usable depends on the following factors: its persistence, responsiveness, and how sparingly it is applied to elements on the page. When used right, this design pattern can improve brand perception, optimize page loading, and make content more digestible.

Design Tools Survey

Design has entered a new era, and so has the Design Tools Survey. We take a first look at how tools are evolving with the use of AI, which we’ll continue to watch year over year. We appreciate our community and their participation this year, as always! The raw data is freely available for download.

Evolving the infinite canvas

In the digital world, especially on the web, we’re used to things being stacked vertically. Scrolling, scrolling, through boxes of content…

Building a design system that breathes with Headspace

Prior to variables in Figma, the Headspace design system was not only incredibly manual to create, but also prone to misinterpretation, unintentional editing, and time-consuming fixes.

Unwrapping the Delightful UX of the Chipotle App: A Case Study

This case study examines the app’s clean visual identity, great presentation of its menu items, and well-designed functionalities that echo the brand’s value of “real ingredients, real purpose, and real flavour”.

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