Resources stories

This might be the coolest design portfolio you’ll ever see

Paris-based creative developer Bruno Simon has certainly created one of the most fun design portfolios out there, letting the user drive a virtual car between his projects and experience using a keyboard. It’s a delightfully slick 3D experience!

ColorMagic – Generate ideal color palettes with the power of AI

ColorMagic is a color palette generator with GPT-3 AI. Just enter a color mood or image in text to generate a ready-to-use color palette. You can easily select colors for presentation slides, web design, graphic design & more!

I tried using ChatGPT to write this article

At first glance, the result was pretty impressive. Had I chosen to submit the article that ChatGPT had written, nobody would guess that a computer program spits it out in 15 seconds

UX Podcasts For Designers

Podcasts are a fantastic opportunity to get up close with the people who know their craft. In this post, we compiled podcasts that are bound to provide valuable insights into UX and new perspectives on the field. Perfect for a short coffee break or a long commute.

Can AI generate illustrations in a custom style?

At De Voorhoede, we use quite a few illustrations to communicate with the outside world. So far, all these illustrations have been drawn by hand, but can we use AI to generate them in our style? The short answer is yes, but let’s take a closer look at the technology and some examples.

GoProd for Mac – Remove backgrounds and upscale lots of pics in 1 click

Two-in-one background remover and image upscaler to handle unlimited batches of product images, portraits, or other photos. Drop your pics into the app and get the results in a few seconds. Skip the routine. Delegate it to AI.

Collective #750

Ahmad Shadeed takes a modern look at responsive web design and explores what’s in for the future.

Learn Images

This course is created for beginner and advanced web developers alike, covering everything from the basics of ensuring image sources are efficiently requested and rendered, to the details of how common image formats are communicated from server to client.  

15 fun websites for when you’re bored online

Take a quick mental break with these fun websites that include quizzes, interactive games, trivia, and more.

Hex Colors Aren’t Great At Anything Except Being Popular

You know what else is unused? Color formats that have just as good of browser support as 6 and 3-digit hex.

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