Resources stories

Collective #749

With its amazing background animation and sharp typography, Crosswire will capture any designer’s heart.

Internet Is Beautiful

Discover the most interesting, useful and awesome websites from the depths of the internet.

Type Trends 2023

Our lives and our design work are constantly in motion. This report is an opportunity for reflection and projection, a pit-stop along the way, to help you charge up and plan for the year ahead.

Substack introduces ‘private Substacks’ that readers can request to subscribe to

Newsletter platform Substack announced today that it’s introducing several new features, including private Substacks. A private Substack is a publication that you can host alone or readers can request to subscribe to read your posts. Writers can choose to approve or decline each subscription request.

7 Essential Notion Templates for Product Designers

Templates are one of the key features that Notion offers. Here are top 7 freeNotion templates that can be useful for product designers.

10+ Best Tools & Resources for Web Designers in 2023

This article highlights the top tools and resources for web designers in 2023 to help improve productivity.

WhatsApp releases its native macOS client in public beta

WhatsApp has released its native macOS app compatible with Apple Silicon in a public beta. Users running Mac with Apple’s own chip with macOS 11 Big Sur or newer version will be able to download the test version. Plus, people with Intel Macs that can run apps built with Apple Catalyst — the company’s program to port iPadPOSwill be able to use this native app —too.

Coding Fonts I’d Actually Use

I made a microsite one time that showcased fonts designed for coding. I had some standards for it — it wasn’t just any ol’ monospace font. They were all monospace and of good quality, and in most cases, specifically designed with code in mind.

AI Designer by ImgCreatorv- Design and edit any images only using text

The dead simple magical way to design just using text. You’ll never believe how simple edit can be in AI world

10 BEST YouTube Channels That Will Make You a UI/UX Design Pro

Whether you’re a designer, developer, or simply curious about user interface and user experience design, these channels offer a wealth of knowledge and inspiration. From tutorials and case studies to critiques and design trends, you’ll find a wealth of information to help you improve your skills and stay up-to-date with the latest industry developments. So without further ado, let’s dive into my top 10 picks!

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