Design stories

Is dark mode simply a time sink? *

Considering the lack of supporting evidence that dark mode helps the eyes, and the decreasing importance of preserving battery life (for many users), the only defensible reason for this option becomes “user preference.”

New ways Google Maps is getting more immersive and sustainable

Last year, we shared our vision for the future of Google Maps — an immersive, intuitive map that reimagines how you explore and navigate, while helping you make more sustainable choices. Today we’re demonstrating how AI is bringing this vision to life…

Is this FedEx logo redesign even better than the original?

Designer Fabian Arbor is becoming synonymous on Twitter with logo redesigns, and his FedEx rebrand might be the best yet. Thanks to a few subtle tweaks, we now have not one but two hidden images within that E and X.

Design Psychology: 4 Principles that Empower Designers

You might not know it yet, but you beautiful designer, have an almighty power in your hands: the power of understanding humans’ needs.

Font Psychology: How to Use It to Create Persuasive Designs

Most of the time you probably aren’t directly thinking about how typefaces are persuading you in a design. But everything about the font choices can create tiny reactions in your brain that make you feel a certain way about what you are seeing.

Designers MUST embrace AI, or become redundant

The AI arms race is well and truly in full flow, and the working world as we know it has been thrown into question. One thing for is certain: we’ve only broken the surface, and Artificial Intelligence is about to become far more complex than we could ever imagine.

Paris 2024 is “reinventing the pictogram” for the Olympic and Paralympic Games

The 62 icons of the Olympic and Paralympic disciplines have been designed in a coat of arms style, evolving from a simple depiction into a more emotive symbol.

Featured Image Creator

Create beautiful featured images (also known as open-graph images) for your blog posts in seconds. For free! 1. Enter a post title. 2. Upload your image and logo. 3. Click ‘Generate’.

6 Graphic Design Studios You Need To Know

To facilitate your search for what’s hot out there, we spared six gems that you need to know about.

Introducing the Microsoft Creator Hub

Microsoft Create consists of two main websites: Creator Hub and Learn and Grow. Creator Hub offers a catalog of templates that are ready to use for social media, video, presentations, and more, making it easier for creators to get started with their projects.

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