Design stories

Woman is stunned to find out what the Travelodge logo actually is

Surprised social media star had always thought the image to be rolling hills…

Slack Redesign: Enhancing Communication and Simplicity

I chose to redesign Slack, a popular messaging app, as my design project.

30 Black and white binary abstract transparent PNGs

30 transparent binary-inspired abstract design assets to give your next design a dystopian tech feel. Made with Spline design.

Adobe Illustrator’s new AI feature instantly switches the color palette of vector graphics

Vector Recoloring generates variations of vector images in different color schemes to help graphic designers select the best version for their project.

Collective #761

From the typography to the interactive elements, on Studiogusto everything is carefully crafted to create a seamless and visually stunning web experience. A clear winner this week!

Take a look at the very first long-term brand for Sundance Film Festival

Porto Rocha pays homage to the institution debuting indie titles like Get Out and Little Miss Sunshine with a 16:9-aspect-ratio logo.

Color Mechanics In UI Kits

In this article, Adel Khamatov shares a model of color mechanics that he came up with during research on developing UI kits and illustrates an approach to solving related problems with best practices.

What can product designers learn from UI artists?

Techniques to make your app’s UX/UI be more engaging

Weekly Design Inspiration #397

Weekly Design Inspiration #397

Take Control of Your Brand or Someone Else Will

Branding is active. Branding is what you do, not what is done to you. It is a tool you can use — to increase your impact, raise funds, win over hearts and minds, to solidify your team and their work into a more cohesive whole, and move your mission forward.

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