Business stories

How to facilitate UX design workshops with stakeholders

Workshop facilitation is an essential skill set any UX professional should possess. When intentionally planned and appropriately applied, workshops can uncover diverse perspectives, foster mutual understanding of ideas, and promote inclusive decision-making.

How to use ChatGPT in product design: 8 practical examples

I will use ChatGPT to create assets for the new website (a landing page for a robot vacuum cleaner) — eight practical tasks in total, along with my impression of how well ChatGPT can deal with them.

UX Case Study: Be There

A project brief was provided to me that included basic research insights, a description of the brand, the problem at hand, and a sample of pre-existing wireframes. My specific role included…

What to say when negotiating a product design salary

Here are some things I’ve said to gain an extra $40,000 while negotiating with a public company.

Carbon Neutral Website – Calculate and optimize web page carbon footprint

A carbon emission calculator that takes into account the power consumption of device and server during browsing a web page.

7 designers on their hopes for the new year

Leading designers, artists, and technologists share what they want to see happen in 2023.

What kind of a UX designer should you strive to be in 2023?

Helpful career advice and goal-setting ideas to launch your career forward and get you where you want to be.

Will artificial intelligence replace my job as a UX designer?

An examination of ChatGPT and Dall-E’s capacity for UX. ChatGPT launched November 30th, and quickly exploded in popularity with over a million new users in it’s first week.

Junior designers, please don’t give in

The economy is tanking, and the market is flooding with experienced designers. It is now more challenging than ever to get a job as a junior designer. But the world needs you, please don’t give in.

User Persona – Generate comprehensive user personas with the help of AI

User Persona is a tool that uses AI to generate detailed user personas for businesses and organizations. A user persona is a fictional character that represents a company’s ideal customer, based on market research and customer data.

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