Business stories

Recognizing and killing the imposter syndrome as a designer

As designers, we often find ourselves haunted by feelings of inadequacy and the fear of making mistakes. This fear, known as imposter syndrome, can hold us back from fully embracing our careers and reaching our goals. It’s important for us as designers to normalize conversations about mental health and well-being in the tech industry and to openly talk about our fears and struggles with each other.

3 nightmare interviews for software developers

The tech industry is not known for having great interviewing processes. From the notorious whiteboard interviews to algorithm challenges requiring a computer science degree to even wrap your head around, there are all kinds of outdated standards and approaches to interviewing developers that should have died out years ago. Unfortunately, like most legacy systems we love to hate, these interview processes are likely to crop up in your career from…

An open letter to all designers who are afraid of being replaced by an AI

AI is here. What will it bring? Is it the end of the design field? I can only tell you one thing: don’t be afraid.

I added $4800+ to my passive income

As the year comes to a close, I’ve been reflecting on the various streams of income that I’ve added to my business this year. While each has been valuable in its own way, one that has stood out is starting my own online course.

Optimizing Your Design Workflow With Tools

There are many ways of working on a computer — but some are faster than others. And for us designers, every second saved by working faster is that much more time to do the things that we love. In this article, Ashish Bogawat shares some of his favorite ways how to boost productivity and do things faster by using efficient tools and workflows.

How a Simple Psychological Insight Drove $300M in Sales

Watching what users do, not just what you think they’ll do can transform your customer experience. And often a tiny tweak can make a huge difference to the bottom line. This is the story of how changing one button found $300M of annual revenue that was being left on the table.

ArtStation artists stage mass protest against AI-generated artwork

On Tuesday, members of the online community ArtStation began widely protesting AI-generated artwork by placing “No AI Art” images in their portfolios. By Wednesday, the protest images dominated ArtStation’s trending page. The artists seek to criticize the presence of AI-generated work on ArtStation and to potentially disrupt future AI models trained using artwork found on the site.

What I learned at GitLab that I don’t want to forget

After a little over 5 years, I’m going to be leaving GitLab for my next adventure. It’s not surprise to those of you who have been following me that I have absolutely loved my time there. I’m so proud of what we built—and I’m still proud and awed by the remarkable people there. GitLab’s values are the gold standard for what it means to be a wonderful company—for the team-members,…

Allow Users to Choose the Frequency of Newsletter Emails (80% Don’t)

Yet newsletters can quickly become overwhelming for users and, as a result, some will simply “unsubscribe” to avoid getting too many emails. However, our large-scale testing revealed that allowing users to specify the frequency with which they receive newsletters can meet the needs of user

The truth about UX designer salaries in tech

Find out if you’re getting paid fairly and start your salary negotiation right. In 2019, my starting salary as a new grad UX designer living in Toronto was $76,500.

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