What does a design director do?
Dorelle Rabinowitz discusses micro expressions, taking credit for your work, and the challenges of working on a complex product like Adobe Acrobat
Dorelle Rabinowitz discusses micro expressions, taking credit for your work, and the challenges of working on a complex product like Adobe Acrobat
Amplifying the Human Voice in Business
It’s the defining cyber crime of the 2020s, and hackers are only just beginning to exploit its potential to make money and sow mayhem
Adobe seems to be cracking down on employees using artificial intelligence (AI), including restricting workers’ abilities to sign up for services with their personal emails.
See how fonts change the way you read and write.
In user research, between-groups designs reduce learning effects; repeated-measures designs require fewer participants and minimize the random noise.
You enjoyed his iMacs, his iPhones, his iPads. You thrilled at the way he said “aluminium” [sic]. You admired the typeface. Are you ready for the $60,000 turntable? Better make up your mind fast, because Linn is only producing 250 of these handmade bad boys.
Read about how the Automattic Design team celebrated the WordPress 20th anniversary.
Design Army wanted to know if AI was a fad or the future—so it employed AI to design an entire campaign for a longtime client.
50% of potential sales are lost, because users can’t find what they need