Business stories

What’s your type? Try these tests to pick the perfect font for you.

See how fonts change the way you read and write.  

Between-Subjects vs. Within-Subjects Study Design

In user research, between-groups designs reduce learning effects; repeated-measures designs require fewer participants and minimize the random noise.

If you don’t buy Jony Ive’s $60,000 turntable, are you really a music fan?

You enjoyed his iMacs, his iPhones, his iPads. You thrilled at the way he said “aluminium” [sic]. You admired the typeface. Are you ready for the $60,000 turntable? Better make up your mind fast, because Linn is only producing 250 of these handmade bad boys.

Twentieth year of WordPress, Designed

Read about how the Automattic Design team celebrated the WordPress 20th anniversary.

How one design studio crafted a brand campaign entirely from AI

Design Army wanted to know if AI was a fad or the future—so it employed AI to design an entire campaign for a longtime client.

Your users will love a good search experience

50% of potential sales are lost, because users can’t find what they need

ChatGPT Creator Faces Multiple Lawsuits Over Copyright & Privacy Violations

OpenAI sued for alleged copyright, privacy breaches; outcomes could impact AI rules.

Write more, design less (and better)

How writing reframes our knowledge and drives our decisions.

Supreme Court rules for web designer who refused to work on same-sex weddings

In a blow to LGBTQ rights, the court said creative businesses can refuse to sell certain products and services if they disagree with the message the customer wishes to convey.

How to Stand Out in a UX Interview

What do recruiters look for in a UX candidate? We surveyed a few. Use their insights to dig deeper in your resume, portfolio, and storytelling.

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