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Laravel Not Your Style? Try These 10 Frameworks

In this article, we will explore 10 great alternatives to Laravel, each with its own unique strengths and features. Whether you’re looking for something lightweight, highly customizable, or built for high performance, I believe there’s an option here for you.

5 Unique HTML Elements You Might Not Know

HTML offers a vast array of elements that can enhance the way you present content on the web. While most developers are familiar with standard tags like <div>, <p>, and <a>, there are some lesser-known elements that can be quite useful. Here are five unique HTML elements you might not know about:

How to Make WordPress Maintenance Clear to Clients

There’s more to website ownership than meets the eye. However, our clients may not realize this. They might think that the work ends when the site launches.

Fitness Logo Ideas

Today, we bring you a collection of modern fitness and gym logo templates that will help you create an inspiring branding design for your establishment

Designing Sustainable E-Commerce Experiences

Imagine a scale: on one end sits the designer and the user on the other. Now, let’s take an inventory of the sources of power each party has in their hands in an online shopping situation and see how the scale balances.

UX Approach to Marketing Design

In today’s digital age, where consumers are inundated with so many choices, standing out in the market has become more difficult than ever. So how can companies create more engaging and effective campaigns? Integrating UX principles into marketing design.

Design for Colorblind People

Colorblindness, or color vision deficiency, affects approximately 8% of men and 0.5% of women worldwide. It means that millions of people experience the digital world differently. As designers, it is crucial to create accessible and inclusive designs that cater to the needs of colorblind users. This practical guide provides essential tips and strategies for designing with colorblind users in mind.

Create a Chrome Extension With Vanilla JavaScript

This tutorial will cover how to build a minimalistic homepage Chrome extension, with JavaScript, designed to help users stay productive.

Three.js Custom Material Techniques

Learn how to create an animated, displaced sphere using custom shaders with Three.js and React Three Fiber.

The Best Things About Working in UX

With the current state of the economy, the advent of AI, and recent layoffs, many UX professionals are feeling anxious. I can understand this sentiment as we’re going through a period of uncertainty. To take a break from the anxiety, let’s reflect on the aspects of our work that make it meaningful.

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