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Meet the new Webflow

Our refreshed brand speaks to the heart of what Webflow has always stood for: giving everyone the superpowers to build professional, visually stunning websites — all without having to write code to achieve developer-grade results. We’re so excited to introduce a brand that not only helps bring this mission to life, but also pays tribute to the people who use Webflow every day to accomplish incredible things.

Make WordPress Sites Load Faster Than Ever With New Hummingbird Critical CSS

With Hummingbird’s much anticipated Critical CSS feature, you can expect faster-loading pages and better performing WordPress sites. Here’s why render-blocking resources are now a thing of the past…

Voice User Interfaces: Seamless Interactions

In this article, I’ll focus on some technological innovations in voice user interfaces (VUIs). What is a voice user interface, or VUI? VUIs employ speech-recognition technology that enables users to communicate via a computer, smartphone, smart speaker, or other device by using voice commands.

Nationwide reveals its biggest rebrand in 30 years

Nationwide has today unveiled its most significant rebrand in over three decades. The work by London studio New Commercial Arts is part of a drive to modernise the building society and reaffirm it being owned by members rather than shareholders.  

10 Best Typography Websites to Explore for Font Inspiration

How do you know which font is right for your project? That’s where typography inspiration websites come in. These sites show some of the best uses of fonts and typography designs to help you find inspiration.

Latest Photoshop AI is truly next level, treating flat objects as layers [Video]

The feature is known as an object-aware editing engine, but colloquially referred to as Project Stardust. If it lives up to its promise, you can send the lasso tool into retirement, as it’s intended to automate the selection of image components.

Microsoft launches new web app store for Windows

Microsoft has rebuilt its web version of the Microsoft Store from the ground up with a new UI and easier ways to find apps.

Minimal Theme for LinkedIn

Clean up LinkedIn clutter & remove ads in one click

How to Reduce Time to First Byte (TTFB) in WordPress – Expert Tips

When optimizing a WordPress site’s load time, many people overlook the server side. Reducing TTFB (Time To First Byte) will help speed up your site and provide a better user experience.

Collective #785

A very cool, cyberpunk inspired design with interactive pixel distortion effects and stunning page transitions. Our pick this week.

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