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The large, small, and dynamic viewport units

While the existing units work well on desktop, it’s a different story on mobile devices. There, the viewport size is influenced by the presence or absence of dynamic toolbars. These are user interfaces such as address bars and tab bars.

Happy birthday and farewell, SMS! It’s time for RCS

After three decades of SMS, here are three reasons to switch to RCS.

DesignOps through a permaculture lens

DesignOps to design orgs is like what permaculture is to gardens. Here are three takeaways from permaculture design to challenge the way you do DesignOps.

Why Pantone turned its 2023 Color of the Year into a $1 million immersive experience

From immersive installations to licensed goods, color trends are a big business.

9 great UI designs and what we can learn from them

UI design can make or break a website or app. Here are nine examples that got things right.

One Click Work Finder OS – The operating system to find work instantly

This Notion built bundle means no more jumping between job boards and searching online for job opportunities – because it helps you find hundreds of relevant jobs suited to your skillset straight away – and arms you with all the tools to successfully apply.

3 Keys to Improve Your Agency’s Web Design Productivity

Increased productivity offers agencies tons of benefits, from better customer and employee experience to higher profit margins and agency scaleability. Here are a few ways you can improve your agency’s productivity and scale up your business.

Every senior UX Researcher needs to be mixed methods

Why the additional responsibility of being senior-level and owning a program necessitates both strong quantitative and qualitative skills.

App Design Inspiration — #86

If you want to be inspired by top-notch app and web design work, then look no further than this selection. The following are some of the most interesting pieces created by well known UI designers

10 Strategies to Nail User Experience as a Video Streaming Service Provider

This blog will provide time-tested tips and tricks through which OTT businesses can nail their user experience and the competition in the market. However, let’s start the blog with the basics, i.e., by understanding the size and scope of the OTT sector.

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