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Is the minimalist logo trend destroying brands?

This logo design trend may have some downsides for branding, it turns out. New research warns that “debranding” – stripping away elements that made the brand unique and recognisable – may be turning brands into ‘blands’.

Copy / Paste SVG Shapes

Explore the collection of 120+ basic SVG shapes for your upcoming project. Simply click on a shape to copy its SVG code to your clipboard.

7 Design Podcasts that Changed My Career (Every Designer should listen)

In this article, I will share my top 7 podcasts for Designers and one essential takeaway from each that has helped me.

Free Fonts For Interface Designers

Just a few beautiful, well-crafted fonts for headings and body text that you probably haven’t spotted before. Free for personal and commercial use. Enjoy!

21 AI tools for content, image, sound, and video creation

Use these AI image, video, and sound generators to easily create content—including pitches, podcasts, and music.

How to Choose the Perfect Font for Titles & Headlines

The right font choice for titles and headlines can significantly impact the visual appeal and effectiveness of your design work.

The birth of the superhuman UX designer: how AI is changing the game*

The ultimate guide to integrating AI into your design thinking process

The Problem with Web Design Trends: Why Following Them Blindly Can Hurt Your Business

In this blog post, we’ll explore the problem with web design trends and why you should be cautious when implementing them.

Amplify Your UX Research Impact Using Ideation Sessions

A senior UX researcher shares concrete tips for activating findings as a team, plus templates and resources to get you started.

I used an incredible X-ray machine to look inside my gadgets — let me show you

I want to scan everything I own with the Lumafield Neptune.  

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