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Google Fi Just Underwent a Huge Rebrand

As Google Fi has matured, it has undergone several changes. It first started out by the name of Project Fi, before changing to Google Fi to appeal to a wider public. Now, another rebrand has come — and it’s coinciding with several other changes.

EXCLUSIVE: How Google is using FONTS to track what you do online and sell data to advertisers – and what YOU can do about it

Google uses special fonts to track users online and monitor browser history

6 reasons why designers should consider using Microsoft’s Edge Browser

I did something that I never thought I would in my lifetime. I am now using Internet Explorer, I mean Microsoft Edge :p as my primary browser.

AI is about to kill creativity

AI has a massive disruptive quality on the creative sector. Is AI going to benefit us, or will it create a new dark age for innovation?

Woman is stunned to find out what the Travelodge logo actually is

Surprised social media star had always thought the image to be rolling hills…

Google Bard UX Analysis: A quick review for Enhancing the AI Interface

Since the launch of Google Bard in its experimental phase, many UX professionals have been eager to try out this new tool and evaluate its ability to provide a high-quality conversational experience.

Designing Interfaces with Z-Pattern: A Guide to Better User Experience

Simply put, the Z-pattern is a visual pattern that designers can use to guide users’ eyes and attention from the top left corner of a page (where most users start reading) down to the bottom right corner of a page (where the user is likely to take action).

Slack Redesign: Enhancing Communication and Simplicity

I chose to redesign Slack, a popular messaging app, as my design project.

30 Black and white binary abstract transparent PNGs

30 transparent binary-inspired abstract design assets to give your next design a dystopian tech feel. Made with Spline design.

Exploring The Potential Of Web Workers For Multithreading On The Web

Multithreading is an important technique used in modern software development to enhance the performance and responsiveness of applications.

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