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Collective #767

With stunning effects, interactive elements, and a design that feels tangible, the website of Wanted for Nothing delights you with wonderful effects as you scroll and hover.

How Often Should You Backup Your Website

In this article, we’ll discuss the factors that affect how often you should backup your website, different types of backups, and recommended backup frequencies for various types of websites.

Visually hidden content is a hack that needs to be resolved, not enshrined

For better and worse, we will have instances where we need to visually hide content to mitigage a gap in the visual design.

The future of macOS is people centered

A new way to think and interact with people through computers.

Reddit’s new API pricing could kill its most popular app with a $20 million bill

Apollo is an extremely popular Reddit client. It could cease to exist thanks to Reddit’s API pricing plan.

Presentational colors*

Design tokens for data visualization and more challenges Substack with launch of paid newsletters is taking on Substack and others with today’s news that its Newsletter product will now support paid subscriptions and premium content.

This simple icon makes it easy to spot AI-generated content

The majority of Americans don’t trust AI. These three design concepts from Artefact could help reduce anxiety and engender agency in the AI age.

Should You Accept Guest Posts on Your WordPress Blog? (Pros/Cons)

Every author has a unique point of view, and your audience will likely appreciate a change of pace and ideas. This is especially true if you’re a solo blogger or feel that your content is getting stale.

Prototype Product Design – 9 Tips To Get You Started

Developing prototypes can lead you nowhere in product development process unless you are using the right tools and following best practices. These tips are perfect for ensuring that you prototype the right solution that has user experience in mind.

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