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A day in the life of a UX Designer

My name is Gonçalo, and this article will take you through a day in the life of a UX Designer at Pixelmatters.

This Year’s Best Picture Oscar Nominees as Typefaces

To get in on the Oscars fun, we’ve created a thorough round-up of each of the 10 Best Picture nominees as typefaces. We lay out our analysis below!

Twitter creative list — a treasure trove for designers

Okay, we might have gone a bit overboard with the ‘every designer should follow,’ but seriously, these accounts are worth checking out. Prepare to be inspired…

Is coding dead, Nvidia CEO has concerns

In a thought-provoking departure from conventional wisdom, Nvidia’s CEO Jensen Huang recently sparked a debate at the World Government Summit in Dubai, challenging the entrenched belief in the necessity of coding skills for the younger generation.

Windows 11 Boot Animation Revealed as Font: Segoe Boot Semilight Unveiled

A surprising discovery reveals Windows 11’s boot screen animation is actually font-based, showcasing Microsoft’s innovative design approach.

PixelFree Studio – From design to code in just 1 click

Convert your designs into human-readable PRO-code in seconds. Whether you design in PixelFree Studio or Figma, you’re just one click away from auto-generating your front-end! No frameworks, no libraries, host anywhere you want.

Pixelied Color Palette Generator

Unleash your creativity with our Color Palette Generator. Easily pick colors from images or use the intuitive color picker. Craft stunning palettes, edit them with precision, and visualize them on UI, branding, and more.

Reviewing the Terms & Conditions of popular generative AI tools

AI and designers: the ethical and legal implications.

Stack Overflow to charge LLM developers for access to its coding content

No more freebies – Google signs up to improve Gemini’s programming abilities

The history of the Ghostbusters logo

And why the no-ghost icon led to legal action.

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