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Figma: Behind the feature: The multiple lives of multi-edit

Vice President of Product Sho Kuwamoto and Product Designer Nikolas Klein walk us through the journey of multi-edit, a new feature that simplifies editing across multiple designs in just a few clicks.  

Color Wheels For Human-Centered Design

Color wheels are tools for artists, designers, and anyone working with color. However, many people think there’s just one color wheel. Yet others don’t realize the rules of color harmony rarely translate from one wheel to another.

Adobe adds Firefly generative AI features to new Express mobile app

The app is available in beta for free on iOS and Android devices, enabling mobile users to collaborate with desktop-based designers on the same projects again.

Fable Prism – Where designers control generative AI

Fable Prism represents a landmark milestone for generative AI. It’s the first time creators get to directly control what gets generated – on a visual canvas, using design and animation tools – all under one roof.

Emotional Design

In recent years, we have been talking more and more about emotional design in our interface design. It has a lot of advantages but can also be double-edged if misapplied. We will analyze Mario Maker 2 to explain this notion and how to use it.

April Newsletter Ideas and Examples for 2024

Here are several good email marketing ideas to play along with the overall atmosphere, intensify your marketing efforts, and drive business growth. We have also compiled a list of April email newsletter examples to show how brands in different niches implement their marketing plans.

Google Says It’s Purging All the AI Trash Littering Its Search Results

The company announced changes to its algorithm to deamplify websites that “feel like they were created for search engines instead of people.”

90% of designers are unhirable?

Or why your cookie-cutter portfolio doesn’t cut it and how to fix it

Framer components inspired by Dieter Rams’ design principles

Our Rams’ inspired assets are designed to sprinkle a dash of delight into your life.

The End Of My Gatsby Journey

“Gatsby headaches” are over. Juan Diego Rodríguez reflects on his decision to stop using Gatsby as his go-to framework. Through a detailed examination of its strengths and weaknesses, he provides valuable insights and alternative options for developers navigating their tooling choices.

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