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On-Scroll 3D Stack Motion Effect

An experimental 3D card stack animation on scroll.

Fonts are still a Helvetica of a Problem

CVEs in three strange places and the unique problem of safely processing and handling fonts.

Joe Biden’s bizarre iPhone design raises eyebrows

“This is the most cursed phone mock-up I have ever seen.”

DevBuddies – Where developers work together on their side projects

DevBuddies is a place focussed on developers looking for other developers or people in the fields of design, marketing, entrepreneurship and coaching/mentoring.

Exciting New Tools for Designers, March 2024

Whether you’re a designer, or developer, the right tools can significantly enhance your workflow, creativity, and project outcomes. So every month we put together this roundup of the latest tools for designers.

In response to Jakob Nielsen

As designers, we should challenge fragmentation rather than foster it.

The Death of User Interfaces

Dive into how product design has shifted towards a UI focus and how the AI “revolution” is gradually phasing out the “traditional user interfaces.”

Embracing AI: 5 Principles for the UX Frontier

AI won’t take your job (*yet), but it sure makes your job a whole lot easier.

Here’s Why You Should Always Log Out of WordPress

The report claims that 60% of hacked WordPress sites stem from stolen session cookies. I sure didn’t see that one coming.

The 7 Most Important Laws of UX Design in 2024

UX designers refer to these predictable cause-and-effect relationships as the “laws” of UX design. These “laws of UX” are not rigid rules set in stone; they represent tried-and-true cause-and-effect relationships that, over the years, have proven invaluable in aiding UX designers to craft outstanding user experiences.

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