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Font Choices for Longevity in Web Design

In the ever-changing world of web design, trends may shift rapidly, but a good font can provide lasting relevance. This article highlights some beautiful fonts that always manage to look awesome, no matter what year it is. These are a few of my personal favorites—by no means a complete list, and I’ve intentionally steered clear of the overly familiar options to keep things fresh. But hopefully, they’ll give you a…

Unlock Your Creativity with Google Web Designer

Google Web Designer gives you the power to create beautiful and compelling videos, images, and HTML5 ads. Use animation and interactive elements to build out your creative vision, then scale your content for different sizes or audiences with responsive and dynamic workflows.

Elevate Your CSS Skills: Animated Text Gradients

In this quick tip, we’ll show how easy it is to animate a background gradient with CSS.

Simplifying Dev Tool Design: From Concept to Execution

While that arrangement may make sense given the close relationship between software development and interface design, it can be a challenging task for those without formal UI/UX design training. That post attempted to bridge the gap, making dev tool product design a bit more accessible. Building upon that article, this time, we’ll actually look at practical developer tool design cases, with detailed examples, both at a general level, and pulled…

Rethinking AI UX: Beyond Features to Full Experiences

AI is seen as a loose-leaf solution rather than a new paradigm of user experience. We know that the value of UX comes from understanding a user’s entire journey and holistically supporting them along the way; yet, AI is being tacked onto today’s experiences to solve micro user needs instead of transforming from end-to-end.

The Rise of Server Components

We love client-side rendering for the way it relieves the server of taxing operations, but serving an empty HTML page often leads to taxing user experiences during the initial page load.

Visualize Your Colors & Fonts On a Real Site

Choosing colors or typography for your website? Use Realtime colors to realize your choices.

The Impact of UI/UX Design on Usability

UI/UX design is much more than just making a website look pretty. It’s about creating a unique and pleasant experience for users. Furthermore, statistical data shows that a good user experience can increase retention by 25% and the probability of conversion by 20%.

Unlocking Success Through Collaboration in Design

Exploring how collaboration can unlock the true potential of design and create experiences that truly resonate with your users.

The Small Design Detail with Big Impact

The principle of closure is a fascinating visual bias and affects how we perceive elements or objects. It explains our natural tendency to “fill in the gaps” when presented with incomplete information. As designers, we can exploit this tendency and use it as a tool for building intuitive and engaging design and user experiences.

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