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Four Ways to Build AI Tools Without Knowing How to Code

You don’t need to know how to code to build your own AI tools.

Announcing OverflowAI, the future of community & AI

Labs is a new space for Stack Overflow and its community & customers to explore the future of knowledge sharing, together.

Accordions on Desktop: When and How to Use

While accordions can simplify long content pages and minimize scrolling, they diminish content visibility and increase interaction cost. On desktop, use accordions for content-heavy pages where users will not need to access content under several accordions.

Design Trend: Zig-Zag Patterns and Alignments (Where Is the Grid?)

Smaller images, animation, and plenty of wild patterns are what you’ll find in this website design trend that’s popping up all over the place.

I sent an email, but nobody read it. So I sent out an invite.

When it comes to group dynamics, there are two key factors that play a crucial role: task-oriented and maintenance-oriented behaviors. As you plan your team’s agenda, consider how these factors influence the dynamics and productivity of the group.

Apple cracking down on ‘fingerprinting’ with new App Store API rules

Starting with iOS 17, developers will need to explain why they’re using certain APIs.

Adobe Firefly users generate more than 1 billion images in just 3 months

History has been made for Adobe as it celebrates its most succesful Beta launch ever – all thanks to AI

Adapting typography to user preferences with CSS

A method to adapt a font to your users’ preferences, so they’re maximally comfortable reading your content.

The future of design systems is semantic

Variables, one of Figma’s newest features, help you streamline designs and connect more closely to code, but what do they tell us about larger shifts in the industry? We dig into what they might signal for the future of design systems.  

Collective #775

Gotta love this design! It has so much personality and a unqiue vintage touch, the perfect fit for the brand it represents. Amazing work by Thom Aufresne with lots of lovely micro interactions.

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