Web Dev stories

How to improve your page load time with browser caching

Caching is the process of storing copies of files in a cache, or temporary storage location, so that they can be accessed more quickly. When a browser caches a file, it stores a copy of that file on the user’s device. This means that the next time the user visits the same page, the browser can load the file from the cache instead of downloading it again from the server.

Integrating Live Activity and Dynamic Island in iOS

Welcome to Part 2 of our guide on integrating Live Activities and Dynamic Island in iOS. In Part 1, we explored the fundamentals—how to set up a Live Activity, manage its lifecycle, and design layouts that work seamlessly on the Lock Screen and Dynamic Island.

CSS vs. Sass: A Complete Guide to Smarter Web Styling

This article explores the differences between CSS and Sass, highlights their respective benefits, and provides code examples to illustrate their unique features.

From Programmer to Software Developer – The Skills That Make the Difference

Programmer and developer are often used interchangeably, but there is an important distinction between them: the developer’s broader perspective and focus beyond just code. In this article, we will step back from coding to highlight the skills that define what skills a successful developer should have.

How to Draw Basic Shapes with SVG

You can generate an infographic or a data-driven diagram. You can animate an image with CSS. You can make a clock that shows the actual time.

AAA – Analytical Anti-Aliasing

An in-depth exploration of anti-aliasing techniques, covering traditional approaches like SSAA, MSAA, and FXAA, and presenting a new “Analytical Anti-Aliasing” method that uses signed distance fields for smooth, artifact-free rendering, offering a more efficient solution for achieving high-quality visuals.

The Different (and Modern) Ways to Toggle Content

It’s easy to default to what you know. When it comes to toggling content, that might be reaching for display: none or opacity: 0 with some JavaScript sprinkled in.

Creating Dynamic Terrain Deformation with React Three Fiber

An exploration of real-time terrain reshaping through user interactions, using React Three Fiber.

WordPress vs. WP Engine: What’s going on and what can you do about it?

In September 2024, Matt Mullenweg of WordPress and Automattic declared war against WP Engine. While the legal and very public battle between these two companies rages on, what should WordPress users do about? This post explores some options as well as a timeline of events.

Tailwind v4 is here! Learn how to upgrade your current project and explore the new features with Flowbite

A few days ago the developers from Tailwind officially announced the v4-beta which means that you can now officially start playing around with the new version of Tailwind which brings a couple of new features, better performance, and a small switch of the CSS-in-JS paradigm to native CSS layers and variables.

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