UX stories

Down the wrong path: the disaster of the latest Duolingo UI update

The world’s largest language learning platform recently rolled out a major update to its 50M active monthly users. The new “path UI” aims to simplify the learning experience, but it comes with some major usability flaws.

Performance Cards: Designing with Empathy and Meaning

When we design a new feature at Spotify, it will be used by people all over the globe, from North America to Sub-Saharan Africa, to Japan. Our markets have significant technological differences, and so, to design for them in a meaningful way, we have to infuse our design process with empathy.  

UX writing files: Is UX writing an underrated job?

If you’re a designer, you know how important it is to have good written communication skills. But what if I told you that there’s a whole other job out there that requires even better writing skills than design?

Dunning Emails – Everything You Need to Know

Churn is something you will deal with regularly, like it or not. Businesses in all niches lose over 50% of subscribers within a year, with involuntary churn making up 20-40% of your overall churn.

Good UI/UX designers know most of these 7 isometric figma plugins

Isometric design is a popular direction in UI design. It’s a method of drawing/creating a three-dimensional object in two dimensions.

How To Master The Art of Design Thinking As An Amateur Graphic Designer

People starting a new career where creativity is the central tenet of their job description can often succumb to forces working against their ability to just “turn on” the creative parts in their minds. S

Do your icons mean what you think they mean?

We take for granted that most users are familiar with common icons, such as a cog meaning settings, or a bell meaning notifications. However, the chances are that we’re going to need to make some custom icons that are specific to our industry or product, and we can’t expect a user to immediately recognise what they mean.

Where to put the primary button?

Where do you place the primary button in a button group? left? right? When does it go fluid? When does it stack on top? There is no right or wrong answer to this. It is more about making a call and sticking to it. Having worked in multiple large-scale design systems, this is my take.

Reinventing Design Choices for Privacy Permission Elements

A personalized experience is one of the most highly valued features of a modern website design. However, gathering the right consumer data is essential to provide customized services to website visitors. After all, you can only enhance consumer experience and

I looked at 30 UX/UI job postings on LinkedIn, and this is what I learnt

I analysed 25 recent junior-level job postings tagged ‘UX Designer’ on LinkedIn. I tried to identify the major themes, skills and requirements (including proficiency in design tools) that recruiters are looking for. And then I thought — why keep this information to myself if it could (potentially) help someone else as well?

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