UX stories

6 Design Culture Examples and How to Create Your Own

Creating a good design culture starts with understanding user needs, encouraging collaboration between departments, experimenting with new ideas, investing in the right tools, and developing design team rituals.

Psychology in Interface Design: 20 Laws of UX

Laws and principles of UX are tools and recommendations that might help a designer create more convenient and user-oriented interfaces.

How I made the pivot into UX: start where you are

I started with user interviews, and broke the script up into three sections: what employees liked about the current space, what their hopes and aspirations were for the new space, and what made them excited about ThoughtWorks in general.

16 Common UX Fails You Must Avoid

In this article, we’re going to talk about the top 16 UX fails that can happen and how to avoid them like a pro.

How to choose a web accessible typeface

Often a typeface is chosen based on what appeals to the designer and is a good fit for the project. Web accessibility is often an afterthought, once the fun task of typeface selection has already been done.

What is wrong with flag icons for languages, according to UX designers?

Following Apple’s example, why should they be replaced on multilingual websites and apps?

Improve the Product Development Process With This Simple, But Powerful, User Flow Analysis

Apply the four steps in this user flow analysis method to make your product development process more efficient—and improve UX for activities like app onboarding and checkout.

Better ROI For Your Digital Products: Why Continuous Research Is Key

57% of product professionals say that product research has a positive effect on customer satisfaction. 42% agree that it affects profitability. Imagine how much more successful your product would be if you did research continuously?  

Exploring the Ethics of Persuasive Design

Persuasive design is a set of techniques used to influence user behavior in digital products. It has become increasingly popular as it allows companies to effectively inform and engage with their audience.

Product Reviews And Ratings UX: A Designer’s Guide

How do we design effective reviews and ratings? With a distribution chart, decimal scores, tags, recommendation score and unedited product photos.

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