UX stories

Chatbot UX Assessment: Understanding the 5 Laws of ChatRobotics

Despite the rise of LLMs and AI-powered solutions, chatbots are still relevant and widespread: efficient, cost-effective, with the ability to automate processes (like answering customer questions), implement specific responses, and much more, all paired with unmatched convenience. But just rolling out your chatbot isn’t enough! Rather, the quality of the UX is the determining factor of success—and that’s on developers like us.

How to Stop Zoom from Altering Text Size

Zooming in browsers is an accessibility feature. I’d say that any attempt to fight against it is bad form. Don’t do it. Leave it be.

How Responsive Design Testing Boosts E-Commerce Success

In today’s digital age, e-commerce has become the backbone of the retail industry. As online shoppers continue to rise, providing a seamless and engaging user experience across all devices is crucial

Crafting Effective UX Design Principles

A shared set of principles provides any team with clear guidance on how to work. Principles outline how the team designs and what they believe is important, therefore helping them frame their decisions.

The Essential Guide to Keyboard Integration in Mobile Interfaces

When Designing interfaces for mobile applications, designers often leave keyboards “out of the picture.” However, this is quite an interesting topic, as the correct (use of the keyboard) keyboard use is what any user expects from an interface.

Understanding Hidden and Disabled Elements in UX

Both hiding and disabling features can be utterly confusing to users. And for both, we need very, very good reasons. Let’s take a closer look at what we need to consider when it comes to hiding and disabling — and possible alternatives that help enhance the UX.

What UI density means?

Interfaces are becoming less dense, I’m usually one to be skeptical of nostalgia and “we liked it that way” bias, but comparing websites and applications of 2024 to their 2000s-era counterparts, the spreading out of software is hard to ignore.

The Evolution of Keypad Design

Every time you pick up your mobile phone to make a call you’re presented with the layout below. But has it ever occurred to you to wonder why the numbers are arranged like this? Or why the calculator on your phone is arranged in the opposite direction?

The Strategic Importance of Low Fidelity Design

Designers going all-in on user-facing high fidelity visuals are abandoning their most powerful tool for influencing strategy

Chatbots vs. Humans: Which Do Users Really Prefer?

Customer service interactions are increasingly relying on chatbots. Most providers are exploiting new AI advancements and replacing human workforce with chatbots to reduce costs. But what is the impact of this on the user experience? And when, if ever, do users prefer interacting with a chatbot over a human?

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