Design stories

YouTube’s little design updates will make it much easier to watch

It’s a bit too easy to lose your place in a YouTube video. But Google’s designers are updating the interface to make it easier to avoid.

2023 Design Collaboration Report

Our survey findings can be useful for solo designers, members of design teams and creative executives. You can use them as a reference to analyze your collaboration skills and patterns, assess and base team workflow, find existing and potential bottlenecks and improve the quality of teamwork.

How I learned to stop worrying and love Machine Learning

Mastering AI nowadays can be compared to mastering computer literacy at the end of the 20th century. Just as then, computer literacy was key to many professions and spheres of life, so now AI is becoming increasingly important and in demand.

AI-Powered Figma to Code

Automate your design-to-code workflow. We trained a specialized AI model so you can click once on a Figma file to get clean, responsive code in your framework. No need to do anything to your design files, and you can easily chat to refine the code.

Watch Jony Ive and LoveFrom explain the making of their first typeface

The firm’s presentation on building LoveFrom Serif from historic Baskerville is now online for anyone to watch.

The Four Seasons logo design secret is… not great

Some people are just realising that the Four Seasons logo actually attempts to represent all four seasons typical temperate regions. No it’s not just a tree. It’s a tree depicted in spring, summer, autumn and winter all at once. That’s why some of the branches have more leaves than others, and some have none at all.

Collective #786

Quentin Hocdé’s website is an amazing showcase of animated pixel art infused with some 3D wizardry. It’s a truly innovative portfolio that exudes a sleek geeky aesthetic, making it our top pick of the week.

Designing an Intuitive Mobile Dashboard UI: 4 Best Practices

Use these tips for navigation, tables and charts, button UX, and interactivity to create a smooth mobile dashboard experience that will keep users coming back.

“75 frames for 75 years in 75 minutes”: Atlantic Records launches anniversary lock-up

Each frame of the label’s latest animation was drawn in a “competitive speedrun” by Cha Chaan Teng’s Wei Prior and Char Alice.

New logo for Coca-Cola?

Proud to finally announce our work for @CocaCola, in collaboration with @MrCraigWard, to re-imagine their iconic logo for the next 131 years. Coming soon to a can near you…

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