Design stories

UI Interactions & Animations Roundup #27

Looking for a fresh burst of animation inspiration? Check out this new collection of creative Dribbble shots.

6 Goals For Product Design Team

Design team goals are a great way to ensure your team is on track to completing the right tasks and to help productivity and focus throughout the whole team. It can sometimes be hard to know how to correctly set goals, however.

Atomic UX Research

Atomic UX research is a user experience (UX) research method that focuses on understanding and improving the smallest interaction units within a user interface (UI). It is based on the idea that the most effective way to improve the overall UX of a product is to focus on improving the individual interactions that make up the product.

ArtStation is hiding images protesting AI art on the platform

Artists flooded the art portfolio site and marketplace with “No AI Art” protest images after it refused to ban the content.  

Why product designers should learn motion design

Motion design can help guide the user through the experience. With the right use of movements, animations, and transitions we can make our product more intuitive, more humane, and generally clearer to use.

SVG Mesh Gradient Generator

Create unique customizable SVG gradients with MagicPattern

The Vignelli Canon: a design classic from the last of the modernists

Massimo Vignelli, the multi-faceted designer and thinker, was the last of the great modernist designers. A utilitarian, design reactionary, and vocal critic of poor design, his views feel unfashionable today, yet, younger designers can learn much from the Canon.

Multi-Brand Design System – How to Get Started

Developing digital products from scratch requires a lot of resources. Multi-brand design systems enable organizations to build once, duplicate, and customize–saving thousands of design and development hours.

Inclusivity and Design

Inclusivity is about making sure everyone is included and treated fairly, no matter who they are or what they look like. It means that everyone is welcome and can participate in things together. It’s about making sure everyone feels safe and respected.

The new Warner Bros. logo is an embarrassment of riches

The design, by creative agency Chermayeff & Geismar & Haviv(opens in new tab), involves “every division of the studio, from home entertainment to video games, from consumer products to live events.” The tagline for the campaign is “Celebrating every story,” which, based on the amount of different applications of the logo, sounds about right.

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