Design stories

User Engagement Through Gamification – Design Strategies for Success

Designing gamified interfaces isn’t just about slapping on some badges here and there. It’s about creating a cohesive and enjoyable experience that aligns with your goals.

How Web Design and Search Engine Optimisation Work Together to Drive Sales

Did you know a good website with SEO can boost leads by 250%? Web design and SEO are like two hands working together. They help businesses succeed online and increase sales. By mixing great design with smart SEO, you grab your audience’s attention. This leads to more website visitors and higher sales.

Tailwind v4 is here! Learn how to upgrade your current project and explore the new features with Flowbite

A few days ago the developers from Tailwind officially announced the v4-beta which means that you can now officially start playing around with the new version of Tailwind which brings a couple of new features, better performance, and a small switch of the CSS-in-JS paradigm to native CSS layers and variables.

What Not to Include on your Designer Resume in 2025

With competition high and industry expectations evolving, knowing how to keep your resume concise, modern, and relevant is essential.

Glossary of everything color related

Learn the essential terms and concepts of color theory and palette creation.

The making of the Figma Pattern Library

UI3 prompted us to rebuild our own design system from the ground up. Here’s how designers and engineers came together to create a new foundation for building consistent, accessible products.

A Must-Have Playbook for Digital Product People

Creating a new product is an exciting process. You’ve dreamed up a killer idea, drafted some sketches and maybe even started to think about how you’d make money out of this world-beating idea.

Typography as a Storytelling Tool in Modern Design

While good typography has helped businesses boost revenue bad typography has cost brands millions, mainly as a result of disregard for the psychological effects and the user experience of typography design.

An outline version of the new CSS logo

CSS got a new logo! After well over a decade of using the “CSS3” badge, there’s now a new CSS logo that fits nicely next to the JS, TS and friends logo’s.

Prototyping with Porsche Design System

Watch a real-life session in which we explain how to build functional prototypes with UXPin Merge and Porsche Design System.

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