Design stories

Type Trends 2023

Our lives and our design work are constantly in motion. This report is an opportunity for reflection and projection, a pit-stop along the way, to help you charge up and plan for the year ahead.

How to choose a web accessible typeface

Often a typeface is chosen based on what appeals to the designer and is a good fit for the project. Web accessibility is often an afterthought, once the fun task of typeface selection has already been done.

Illustration Trends For 2023

Finding a zest that will help you stand out from the crowd of competitors is a challenge. A powerful toolkit and cutting-edge UI/UX design are essential, however, they will look bland without a unique approach.

A brand is more than a logo or word-mark

At the same time, I’ve noticed a streak of designers pushing back against what’s perceived as the homogenization and modernization of design, whether it’s word-marks, logos, cars, or park-benches.

Snapchat’s trippy new brand campaign aims to answer the question: What is Snapchat for?

Complete with AR integration, ‘Wait’ll You See This’ is meant to spark conversations around the ‘best known, least understood’ social app.

10 Best AI Art Generators & Tools in 2023

These tools use machine learning to create and feed artificial intelligence to power up a tool capable of putting out “creative” and unique artworks that are just as good, or perhaps even better, than a human being.

7 Essential Notion Templates for Product Designers

Templates are one of the key features that Notion offers. Here are top 7 freeNotion templates that can be useful for product designers.

Become a Freelance Web Developer on Fiverr: Ultimate Guide

Freelancing websites have a history of marketing and attracting clients so that freelancers can easily market their services on their platforms.

DesignStudio’s Eurostar Group rebrand is rooted in 90s rail design history

Following a merger last May, Eurostar Group overhauls its design with a modern take on its 1994 wordmark and historic star symbol.

Exploring the Ethics of Persuasive Design

Persuasive design is a set of techniques used to influence user behavior in digital products. It has become increasingly popular as it allows companies to effectively inform and engage with their audience.

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