Business stories

ArtStation artists stage mass protest against AI-generated artwork

On Tuesday, members of the online community ArtStation began widely protesting AI-generated artwork by placing “No AI Art” images in their portfolios. By Wednesday, the protest images dominated ArtStation’s trending page. The artists seek to criticize the presence of AI-generated work on ArtStation and to potentially disrupt future AI models trained using artwork found on the site.

What I learned at GitLab that I don’t want to forget

After a little over 5 years, I’m going to be leaving GitLab for my next adventure. It’s not surprise to those of you who have been following me that I have absolutely loved my time there. I’m so proud of what we built—and I’m still proud and awed by the remarkable people there. GitLab’s values are the gold standard for what it means to be a wonderful company—for the team-members,…

Allow Users to Choose the Frequency of Newsletter Emails (80% Don’t)

Yet newsletters can quickly become overwhelming for users and, as a result, some will simply “unsubscribe” to avoid getting too many emails. However, our large-scale testing revealed that allowing users to specify the frequency with which they receive newsletters can meet the needs of user

The truth about UX designer salaries in tech

Find out if you’re getting paid fairly and start your salary negotiation right. In 2019, my starting salary as a new grad UX designer living in Toronto was $76,500.

Behance vs. Adobe Portfolio: How Do They Compare?

Behance and Adobe Portfolio are the two main ways that Adobe has helped creatives share their work elsewhere. While both look quite similar on paper, they have a fair number of differences that you need to keep in mind.

Young designers can deal with rejection better

If design teams had a ceremonial initiation process, watching a stakeholder trash something that you’ve spent countless hours building would be it. But rejection is inescapable when we’re making multiple variants for every module of every single project, perpetually.

From type to logotype

Ah yes, the perennial question (or argument depending on your point of view) that provides endless nourishment for the design Twitterati and design influencers. It’s a moot discussion, of course, because—surprise—logos matter, maybe now more so than ever. Now that I’m on my soapbox, I’d like to argue that case, and explain through my own creative process how a successful logo is created, from the initial sketch right through to…

Insights from reviewing my readers’ one hundred and thirty-eight UX portfolios

Out of the 138 portfolios submitted, 125 was screened. If you’re part of the 13 that I didn’t review, it’s because you’re a UX writer, UX engineer or a UX consultancy business. I do not have the expertise to review portfolios for writers and engineers, and reviewing UX businesses is something I would not do for free (sorry).

Democratizing User Research to Innovate and Refine Digital Products

Empowering non-researchers to collect client feedback can pave the way to better products and customer retention.

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome to Become a Confident Product Designer

It’s natural to feel like you don’t belong or that others may know more than you do. But that’s not true. This is what’s known as imposter syndrome and it can affect anyone, regardless of their skill level or experience.

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