Business stories

How Much Does Custom Software Development Cost in Germany?

Custom software development has become a critical investment for companies looking to tailor software to their unique business needs.

Digital strategy in the nonprofit sector

In our conversation, Tricia discusses how defining strategy differs between nonprofit and for-profit companies, as well as those in different industries and at various stages of their life cycles. She emphasizes a few key universal strategy principles that apply to any organization, and also shares insights into how trends like AI are impacting the nonprofit, media, and edtech sectors.

Dribbble’s Latest Features: Empowering Designers to Close Deals

Dribbble’s mission is to help professional designers earn a living doing work they take pride in.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Organizing Feedback with a Severity Scale

We tend to think so, but we can also concede that all feedback is not necessarily created equal. When communicating user feedback within your organization, it’s important to indicate how severe the issue is—otherwise, it’s all too easy for this important data to come across as a lot of noise.

7 Key Influencer Marketing Trends in 2024

Influencer marketing is one of the most powerful and most effective forms of digital marketing available today.

The 80/20 rule in design job interviews

One warm, Italian, summer day in August 1907, Vilfredo Pareto noticed something odd in his garden — some pea pods produced more peas than others, no matter what he did. Being a curious polymath, he inspected the peas closely and concluded that roughly 20% of pods produced 80% of the produce.

How to Overcome Rejection as a Freelancer

Rejection is an inevitable part of the creative journey. Whether it’s a declined project proposal, a non-responsive client, or critical feedback on your work, rejection can feel deeply personal and discouraging.

Choosing the Right Pricing Strategy for Your Digital Projects

Discover effective pricing strategies for digital projects. Learn how to balance fixed pricing, time and materials, and value-based approaches while managing client expectations and scope creep.

Which Clients Matter More: New vs. Existing?

If you’re a freelance designer serving a target market that seems to be shrinking or not providing you with quite enough business, maybe it’s time to change up your client base.

How Freelancers Can Maximize Their Work Exposure

Have you wondered why, even after doing everything “right” – having a website, circulating through all the social media channels – you’re just not getting as much notice as a designer as you feel you should? It probably has something to do with the approach you’ve been using to market yourself and your work.

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