Business stories

How a font website dishonestly earns money

An examination of Fontesk’s deceptive font distribution practices, and how type designers can safeguard their typographic creations from exploitation.

LinkedIn’s top career tips, now brought to you by AI

A virtual coach can offer leadership insights and advice, along with links to relevant LinkedIn Learning videos

Answers to Common Design Questions

I get a good deal of messages from people asking me questions about design. I try to answer as many as I can, but I’m unable to get to all of them. So, here’s a roundup of my answers to some of the most common questions I receive.

Apple Considered Buying Bing From Microsoft

Exploratory talks between big-wigs at Apple and Microsoft in 2020 reportedly included discussions of Apple taking on the beleaguered search engine.

How Good Design Can Transform User Adoption Rates for SaaS Apps

Ever wonder why some SaaS tools are universally loved while others barely get a nod? It often boils down to the design and user-centricity of a product.

Five Takeaways from my Microsoft Design Internship

From September to December 2022, I had an opportunity to do an internship at Microsoft as a Visual User Experience Designer with the Nuance Customer Engagement R&D team. In this article, I would like to share key takeaways that I have learned from being a part of a fantastic team.

A designer’s guide to weekly, scrappy, rapid iteration and testing

The goal of this guide is to give you an actionable plan of how to set up weekly user testing in an efficient way that while challenging, can be accomplished by a single designer.

How to cancel your Adobe Creative Cloud subscription

Suspend your Creative Cloud subscription if you have found solid Adobe app alternatives

Elon Musk’s New SpaceX Logo is a Knockoff of a Scottish Soccer Team’s Crest

He stole the crest of a lower league amateur Scottish soccer club, of course! I bet you didn’t have that one your Elon Musk Gaffes bingo card, did ya?

Meen is a Collaborative Typeface That Embodies the Middle Ground

When designers Aspasia Metania and Kostas Mentzos set out to define a new stylistic mean between two iconic fonts, Helvetica and Comis Sans, they collaborated with AI to help them get there.

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