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How Google Search ranking works

The structure of organic search results is now so complex – not least due to the use of machine learning – that even the Google employees who work on the ranking algorithms say they can no longer explain why a hit is at one or two. We do not know the weighting of the many signals and the exact interplay.

15 Design Concepts Every Financial Product Owner Should Know and Use

Financial and banking product owners face complex challenges and must stay ahead by implementing key design concepts.

2024 Website Redesign: Step-by-Step Project Plan

A website redesign project is crucial to a company’s long-term digital marketing strategy. It is a large-scale undertaking that requires major investments in time, budget, and personnel.

Laravel Development Environment Compared

When developing a Laravel application, having a reliable local development environment is as important as the code itself. A good local development environment can help you work more efficiently, test your code, and avoid potential deployment issues.

Choosing the Right Pricing Strategy for Your Digital Projects

Discover effective pricing strategies for digital projects. Learn how to balance fixed pricing, time and materials, and value-based approaches while managing client expectations and scope creep.

MARKETING INSIGHTS How to create a powerful free landing page in 8 steps

Ask any marketer and they’ll tell you: the first crucial step in establishing a professional online presence is having a great website.

From Customer Support to UX Design

Galyna Kaplan’s journey from working in Support to UX design at Shopify showcases the power of hard work and determination in landing your dream career.

Comparing Web App Development Services: In-House vs. Outsourcing

In the modern digital era, businesses of all sizes rely on web application development services to engage customers, streamline operations, and stay competitive.

Which Clients Matter More: New vs. Existing?

If you’re a freelance designer serving a target market that seems to be shrinking or not providing you with quite enough business, maybe it’s time to change up your client base.

Figma Fundamentals: Unlocking Success with the Three Cs

I spend a lot of my time helping others learn the basics of Figma. Here’s how I approached it, what I would do differently now, and the framework you can use to get started today.

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