A guide to landing your first product design role
Curious about early career opportunities at Figma? Here are some tips on how to get your first product design job, along with insights on what we look for.
Curious about early career opportunities at Figma? Here are some tips on how to get your first product design job, along with insights on what we look for.
Adobe introduced several innovative AI features to the Lightroom app over the past few months, making your photo editing workflow much faster than ever before.
We’ve recently released two oft-requested APIs for Adobe Acrobat Services, the ability to both export and import form data from PDFs. These APIs are currently available to our beta program and not generally available, but read on for details on how these APIs work, and how you can sign up to help test them!
In the fast-paced world of software development, staying ahead means constantly evolving your toolkit. The right tools can drastically improve your productivity, and boost your workflow.
React has revolutionized the way we build user interfaces, but with great power comes great responsibility.
Have you ever lost your video screen after switching to another tab? Google Meet’s picture-in-picture feature helps to solve that problem, but now we’ve made it even easier.
There’s a possibility that by hiding some of these complexities, Slack have created an effortless onboarding process, that is doomed to become noisy.
AVIF (AV1 Image File Format) is a modern image file format specification for storing images that offer a much more significant file reduction when compared to other formats like JPG, JPEG, PNG, and WebP. Version 1.0.0 of the AVIF specification was finalized in February 2019 and released by Alliance for Open Media to the public.
Today, we bring you a collection of the most exquisite and intricate fonts that are perfect for creating visually stunning designs.
Font performance optimization is a set of web development techniques that make fonts load faster and render more smoothly. They involve practices such as thoughtful font selection, the use of performant font formats, self-hosting, optimized @font-face declarations, font display strategies, and more.