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Optimizing Your Design Workflow With Tools

There are many ways of working on a computer — but some are faster than others. And for us designers, every second saved by working faster is that much more time to do the things that we love. In this article, Ashish Bogawat shares some of his favorite ways how to boost productivity and do things faster by using efficient tools and workflows.

One Year of Creative Cloud Plugin Showcases

Exactly one year ago in December 2021, Thomas Zagler’s Action Browser 2was our first Adobe Creative Cloud Plugin Showcase. Since then, we’ve come a long way: we have reached a milestone of 50 plugins showcased, live on our page! Plus, we published all of our three-minute demos on the official Adobe Creative Cloud Youtube channel with 1.2 million subscribers(!).

How a Simple Psychological Insight Drove $300M in Sales

Watching what users do, not just what you think they’ll do can transform your customer experience. And often a tiny tweak can make a huge difference to the bottom line. This is the story of how changing one button found $300M of annual revenue that was being left on the table.

Unlocking the Power of User Research in the Design Discovery Phase

Incorporating user research into the design discovery phase allows designers to gain a deeper understanding of their users and their needs. This can lead to the development of more effective and user-centered designs. In this post, I’ll try to underline the importance of user research in the design discovery phase, how to conduct user research, and how you can integrate your findings into the product design itself.

Redesigning a breaking Twitter

As Elon Musk burns down the Twitter we know, will a drastically different user experience emerge from the ashes? This Google alternative combines search with an app store

To take on Google, opens its search engine to third-party developers.

Appshots – Brew up something new from an extensive library of app shots

Appshots is a curated collection of the best design patterns found across mobile apps. With thousands of screenshots (of iOS apps) categorized and organized by app, you can easily find the best pattern for your next project. Currently it’s limited to iOS apps. Android and web apps are on the way.

Midjourney vs. human illustrators: has AI already won?

In the age of artificial intelligence the ability to generate realistic images from text prompts is no longer a distant futuristic concept—it’s a present-day reality. So, is it time for designers to delegate some (or all) of their work to AI? In this article, we’ll pit human illustrators against AI artists and try to judge if we’ve already passed the point of no return. We’ll provide the same prompts and guidelines to…

Why is the best ecommerce site, you’ll ever use

This article uses an example case from a B2B site that recently made the top of HackerNews as the best e-commerce site, by McMaster-Carr. In this article, you’ll get a breakdown of what McMaster-Carr does particularly well in its UX practices.

ArtStation artists stage mass protest against AI-generated artwork

On Tuesday, members of the online community ArtStation began widely protesting AI-generated artwork by placing “No AI Art” images in their portfolios. By Wednesday, the protest images dominated ArtStation’s trending page. The artists seek to criticize the presence of AI-generated work on ArtStation and to potentially disrupt future AI models trained using artwork found on the site.

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