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ArtStation is hiding images protesting AI art on the platform

Artists flooded the art portfolio site and marketplace with “No AI Art” protest images after it refused to ban the content.  

Alternative to classical UX research methods

If there is one thing I want you to take from this post, it’s that interviews and surveys are not the only methods that can help you to uncover customer pains and desires. What if I told you that there is a cheap way to do qualitative research with quantifiable outcomes?  

Mirrorful – Generate a preview of any website in any environment

Mirrorful streamlines collaboration and eliminates back-and-forth screenshot exchanges. In one click, generate and share a static preview of any website in any environment. Keeping your stakeholders up-to-date has never been easier.

10 Key UI Design Trends in 2023

The web design industry, like any other visual-related industry, changes constantly. What was considered cool five years ago, today testifies to the outdated vision of their creators.

Why product designers should learn motion design

Motion design can help guide the user through the experience. With the right use of movements, animations, and transitions we can make our product more intuitive, more humane, and generally clearer to use.

Demonstrating the ROI of UX design to stakeholders

Many stakeholders don’t understand the value of UX design and see UX as non-essential or “nice-to-have”. It’s our responsibility as designers to advocate for ourselves and communicate the value of good UX design for a few reasons.

Google is making its internal video-blurring privacy tool open source

Google has announced that two of its latest privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs), including one that blurs objects in a video, will be provided to anyone for free via open source. The new tools are part of Google’s Protected Computing initiative designed to transform “how, when and where data is processed to technically ensure its privacy and safety,” the company said.

SVG Mesh Gradient Generator

Create unique customizable SVG gradients with MagicPattern

12 universal design principles

A couple of months ago I started reading about designers’ thoughts on design. As I was digging deeper, I found an index with more than 200 manifestos from all around the world, some of which were over 100 years old. I was struck by the way people talked about the transformative power of our field and how it shapes the world around us, so I decided to read them all…

2022 Roundup of Web Research

We’ve started making a tradition of rounding up the latest front-end research at the end of each year. We did it in 2020 and again in 2021. Reports are released throughout the year by a bunch of different companies and organizations researching everything from web design trends to developer skills to popular coding languages and so many other things.

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